Islamophobia emerged from the Western countries, and this is a challenge that we all together need to surmount.

Every country needs a strong leader in order to progress.

Islam is a religion. It is not an ideology. For a Muslim, there is no such thing as to be against modernity. Why should a Muslim not be a modern person? I, as a Muslim, fulfill all the requirements of my religion, and I live in a democratic, social state.

Democracy is like a streetcar. When you come to your stop, you get off.

Why shouldn't Turkey be in the Shanghai Five?

We have extradited terrorists to the United States in the past. And we expect the same thing to be done by the United States.

Engaging in actions which are not allowed by law should have certain prices to pay.

We have to fight all terrorist groups, and not arm one to fight another.

Russia and Iran back Assad, but are they fighting Daesh? The answer is 'no.'

Once the people of Iraq know when the U.S. troops will leave, their confidence in the U.S. will increase.

If the European Union wants to be an address where civilizations meet, it must take Turkey in.

Attempts by one ethnic group to exercise sovereignty over another are not fair. It doesn't matter if that ethnicity is Kurdish, Turkish, Arabic, Chaldean or whatever.

A federated structure in Iraq based on ethnicity or religious sects will not be healthy.

Russia is not engaged in a fight against Daesh in Syria. On the contrary, they are actually targeting moderate opposition.

If everyone can say, looking at Obama, that is he is one of us, is that not befitting for the leading country in the world?

The PKK is the number one threat in terms of terror in our country.

Jerusalem is holy to three religions. You have to respect that.

Being in the European Union, we would be building bridges between the 1.5 bn people of Muslim world to the non-Muslim world. They have to see this. If they ignore it, it brings weakness to the E.U.

We are concerned that Germany, which has protected the PKK and DHKP-C for years, has become the backyard of the Gulenist terror organisation.

If you think you can finish ISIS off with the PYD and YPG, you cannot, because they are terrorist groups as well.

Time to time I get together with the rabbis, with religious leaders, leaders of congregations, and I talk to them, and wherever a need arises, we do everything we can to meet those needs.

In the process of the Arab Spring, we have unfortunately seen a development in Syria where the regime has been oppressing its people.

So far, I have not come to any of the positions that I have filled through wanting to be there. I was sought - people wanted me to come to those posts. I am talking about all my positions: mayor of Istanbul, chairman of the party, prime minister.

Similarly, gender-equality, supremacy of law, political participation, civil society, and transparency are among the indispensable elements that are the imperatives of democratization.