As a politician who cherishes religious conviction in his personal sphere, but regards politics as a domain belonging outside religion, I believe that this view is seriously flawed.

I am one of the first political leaders officially declaring that anti-Semitism is a crime. I expect an official declaration that Islamophobia is a crime against humanity as well.

I am a person who is inclined to define relations between individuals based on principles.

You cannot defend a terrorist group just because they are fighting Daesh.

I have already said that I find the coalition air strikes to be insufficient. A ground intervention will be necessary to overcome Daesh.

The fact that a woman is attached to her professional life should not prevent her from being a mother.

A lasting solution to this problem will have an exceptionally positive influence foremost on the peoples of Palestine and Israel, as well as on the region and the international community.

Germany has become an important haven for terrorists.

I consider personally the election of Barack Hussein Obama to have very great symbolic meaning. A Muslim and a Christian name - so in his name there is a synthesis, although people from time to time want to overlook that, and they do it intentionally.

Everyone should unconditionally accept that Israel is an indispensable element of the Middle Eastern mosaic.

During the Gezi protests and PKK terror campaigns, the unity and solidarity of the Turkish nation were attacked.

Family planning, birth control, no Muslim family can practice such an understanding.

We have a very significant number of Jewish citizens, and they have always been safe and secure where they are in Turkey.

Strong families lead to strong nations.

Turkey must feel at ease. It mustn't say, 'For me, it's the European Union at all costs.' That's my view.

In this country, there is a segregation of Black Turks and White Turks. Your brother Tayyip belongs to the Black Turks.

However, democracy cannot be defined as the existence of parliaments and elections alone.

Among leaders in Europe there are those who have prejudices against Turkey, like France and Germany.

Satire, whether it be satire or not, everything has to have boundaries.

What should be targeted is a concept of organic, and not just mechanic, democracy that preserves the rule of law, separation of powers, and that is participatory and pluralistic.

Therefore, the observation must be explicitly made: In the Middle East and in the Muslim world, suspicions linger concerning the objectives of the West and notably the US.

Therefore, the question is not whether such democratization is possible, but instead how to meet the yearning of the masses in the Middle East for democracy; in other words, how to achieve democratization in the Middle East.

If the E.U. is going to make Turkey a full member, we are ready.

I take the debate on the method of promoting democracy seriously.