There's no doubt that our hearts are with the residents of Gaza. We and the whole world are unable to get to a situation in which Gaza can be rehabilitated. There needs to be an international initiative with Israel's participation, in order to bring an end to the enmity against us.

Disagreements will always occur between us, but we all approach them wanting the best for each and every one of us, for the whole people.

Netanyahu must mend fences with Obama.

It seems to me that many of the belligerent Jewish movements that were built upon hatred of Arabs - and I'm not only talking about Lieberman, but within the Likud as well - grew out of the patronizing socialist attitude that said, 'They'll be there, and we'll be here.'

Our ideals are under the constant threat of extremism, whether in the form of radical Muslim groups or the emergence of other elements seeking to deny the rights and freedoms of others.

Today, there are those who hallucinate that a democratic and Jewish state is only democratic for the Jews.

The Palestinians must understand that this is our home, to which we have returned, and we also have to understand that this is the homeland of all those born to it.

We cannot keep the Jewish state without being a democratic state.

Everyone needs to understand that we were meant to live together in this country. We have to get to know one another; even if we don't agree, we have to enable each side to express itself.

We are living in a multicultural society. Our role as leaders is to enable grappling with this situation, even when multiculturalism is difficult.

There is one thing on which Arik will make no concessions: terrorism.

We must stay focused on the bilateral negotiations between the Palestinians and us.

It can't be 'occupied territory' if the land is your own.

The Knesset was right to limit the president's tenure to seven years.

The extremists are talking too loudly, and everyone is convinced that only he is on the right side.

To come and say about me that I'm destroying Israel, that I hate Israel, that's a bit insulting.

We have always realized, as Israelis and as Jews, that we are not fighting Islam and thus avoided turning the Temple Mount issue into a war of Jews against Muslims.

Our enemy is hatred - the hatred inherent in fundamentalism.

The reality is that we only have one person whom the public sees as appropriate to be prime minister, and that's a shame. I think that if there were more, it would be better for everyone, including Netanyahu.

All sides must learn to respect one another.

Israeli society is comprised of four principal tribes growing closer in size.

There is no, and cannot be, any situation in which we don't respect the law and the judiciary. It is unacceptable to attack the courts; criticism is allowed, but attacks are not. It shakes the basis of our democracy.

The Jewish journey started in the land of Israel, and it always strove to return there against all odds and all limitations.

It's not for the president to determine the arrangements between Israel and the Palestinians, and the Arab world, but to be the bridge between opinions and to facilitate dialogue and understanding.