Foreign aid should not be automatic. Countries should have to make their case every year, and American officials should openly decide what, if anything, to fund.

U.S. foreign aid must be used more strategically to achieve our national security goals.

Foreign aid, though less than 1% of the annual federal budget, is often a hard case to make to constituents who are rightfully worried about domestic and economic issues.

The mainstream media decided long ago that Hillary Clinton was going to be a fabulous global leader regardless of how she performed.

John Kerry is going to have a rough tenure as secretary of state. But let's face it: whoever came after Hillary Clinton was going to have to deal with a foreign affairs press corps that has been sleeping for four years. From the moment Hillary entered Foggy Bottom, political reporters have treated their beloved secretary of state with kid gloves.

Ironically, Hillary Clinton's appointment in 2008 as secretary of state was forced on Obama by her presidential campaign supporters, who insisted she play a major role in the then-new Democratic administration after a bruising primary fight.

While American interests in the Middle East must obviously be protected, America's credibility to support democracy for everyone everywhere is crucial.

Most people in Washington assumed if Obama made it to the White House he would appoint Biden as his secretary of state, a position Biden openly admitted he wanted.

Federal employees are public servants, not partisan foot soldiers for President Obama, and shouldn't have to decide whether a partisan White House request can be ignored without consequences.

Every once in a while, brave companies step out and act in ways that move customers and shareholders to also act in good faith.

China understands economics more than most countries and is usually moved to increase freedoms when the yuan is directly involved.

One sure way to ruin American credibility in the Arab world is to sit silently in Damascus and look like you're part of the Assad show.

Equal rights should not be debatable and certainly should not be put to a vote of the people. Would we ask the electorate to vote on whether or not Catholics and Protestants should marry? Of course we would not.

What is needed to pass gay marriage is not a Democratic majority - this past year has proven that to be true - but politicians and judges comfortable enough to ignore what the majority of the voters want and do what is uncomfortable, unpopular - and morally right.

There are many Palestinians, to be diplomatic, who believe there is no way to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, first of all, and there are a lot of people that believe there is no way to recognize Israel at all.

There is a difficulty in combating the type of terror that is perpetrated by groups of radical Jews. It's terror from within, and it is difficult to bring these perpetrators to justice; we need to create tools in order to combat this style of terrorism.

Terror is terror is terror, and it doesn't matter what nationality that terror belongs to.

I am not someone who will cancel plans because of personal danger, because I'm really not afraid.

Jewish and Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem are interlaced one with the other.

Jerusalem is the united capital of Israel. Since 1967, anyone can practice his religion according to his own conscience and complete free will.

Jerusalem should not tolerate any religious war.

I want to thank the American people - on both sides of the aisle - for years of financial, diplomatic, and military support, and for helping us carry the burden of defense.

There's no doubt we'd be very angry if the American president had come to the Knesset and argued against the government of Israel.

Israel's foreign policy has three points: the relationship with the U.S., the relationship with the U.S., and the relationship with the U.S.