Multiculturalism is a bed of beautiful roses that has some thorns, so we just have to be careful not to get pricked or to prick one another.

A multicultural society does not reject the culture of the other but is prepared to listen, to see, to dialogue and, in the final analysis, to possibly accept the other's culture without compromising its own.

I hereby swear, in my name and that of all our descendants, that we will never act against the principle of equal rights, and we will never try and force someone from our land.

No nation is immune to anti-Semitism and xenophobia.

A friendship between Germany and Israel didn't always seem natural.

Every opinion must be suffered. One must listen to what may be rousing, annoying, even shocking, but it must be done honestly, fairly and with equanimity, respecting the rights of every Member of the Knesset and each faction, guarding the minority in the face of the predatory majority.

The president is the face of the State of Israel around the world: not a representative of a specific ideology but of the collective creativity and history of the Jewish people.

Those who know my stance on Israeli democracy also know that there is nothing more foreign to me than the rejection of a position different to my own.

My door will be open to everyone.

The depth of this conflict, which is more than one hundred years old, requires us to find a way to communicate... so that the residents of the Middle East, Jews and Arabs alike, can live not as if they were forced to live together, but rather destined to live together.

We have many candidates, like in reality television, but we don't really have a leader.

We must immediately find the way to come and say to the U.S., 'Despite the difficult differences of opinion between us, there are no closer friends, and no better allies than you to us, and we to you.'

I know that sometimes politics creates situations in which people want to say particular things for political reasons.

Peres came with a worldview. I also came with a worldview that I have not abandoned and that guides me still.

Undoubtedly, a democratic state without an alternative is a danger to democracy itself.

Arik is suffused with a mystical belief about Jerusalem.

In the end, Arik believes in security above all and is a salient pragmatist, a disciple of Ben-Gurion.

We are one family, and the connection between all Jews, all over the world, is very important to the State of Israel.

I believe that our democratic values are also born out of our Jewish faith, a 'love for the stranger,' and equality before the law - these are not foreign values: this is Judaism.

It pains me to see the gap that exists in the public's consciousness - religious and secular - between the notion of Israel as a Jewish state and as a democratic state.

The relationship between the Jews and Arabs is necessary to help build a bridge between Israelis and Palestinians.

When we come to the hospital to give birth, we don't come as a Jew or an Arab; we come as a human being.

One cannot tell the High Court what to adjudicate. They must judge, and then the legislature must act accordingly.

I ask the members of the Knesset to be very strict about maintaining the principles of democracy.