I spent eight years at the U.N., so I understand that U.S. ambassadors have a lot of issues to cover.

While the Obama White House is completely incompetent and weak, they know how to spin everyday Americans.

We may never really know if 2004 Democratic presidential nominee and Senator John Kerry was President Obama's original choice to be Secretary of State or if he settled on Kerry after his first pick, Susan Rice, was forced out by her troublesome career and misleading statements on the Benghazi terrorist attack.

Hesitating and hand-wringing when confronted by violence discourages the human-rights activists on the front lines and emboldens the enemy.

While supporting human rights in another country is important, fighting for our own safety is crucial.

Imagine what Nigeria could do for Africa if it was also free of Boko Haram's violence.

From the moments Obama took office, he has downplayed the threats from radical Islamists.

Journalists undoubtedly have a duty to push, cajole, and aggressively maneuver around campaign handlers in order for the public to see a candidate unscripted.

Presidents and cabinet officials could send a strong message of accountability if they held senior appointees responsible for their performance.

Cancer taught my family that my mom is much stronger than we ever thought. Faced with a devastating diagnosis, she just kept going and living - never complaining.

California Democrats are out to kill the American dream by ridiculing the commitment to hard work.

Equal rights should not be a partisan political issue - so why are all gay leaders in one political party?

The Obama Doctrine is the first presidential strategy in history that is exclusively about communicating - not implementing - policy. The Obama Doctrine seems to be 'tweet with overwhelming force.'

Between 1961 and 1982, 'The Catcher in the Rye' was the most censored book in high schools and libraries in the United States. But all the talk about banning it made me rush out to find it.

Altruism, especially involving basic freedoms, can be what shareholders value most.

Tough decisions are never popular to make and even less popular to force upon the U.N.

For decades, the liberal media eviscerated the Religious Right and other conservatives for their own attacks against liberal social causes. Over time, the media labeled anyone who didn't agree with the Left's world view as intolerant.

While religious institutions should be able to pick and choose which unions they bless, civil governments should issue marriage licenses to all couples.

I'm passionate about politics.

Despite the debt, the traffic, the one-party rule, the taxes, and the eagerness of politicians to overwhelm small businesses and large corporate job producers with red tape and unnecessary regulations, the Golden State is still the most beautiful place to live and work in the United States.

The big-ego temper tantrums of Wall Street's titans must be a concern for everyone on Wall Street. Bad behavior and manipulation of the markets must be called out by those in the industry concerned for its future.

Biden's support for Mubarak in the face of his falling regime sends a powerful and unfortunate message to the Arab world that their freedoms are negotiable.

If you don't want war, then you had better be an advocate for diplomacy with muscle.

Attorneys general, district attorneys, and federal prosecutors have a responsibility to separate their politics from their law enforcement powers.