Hillary Clinton's Russian re-set policy gave Moscow permission to go from privately challenging U.S. foreign policy to publicly moving military hardware into Syria to prop up Bashar al-Assad and annexing Crimea from Ukraine. And Donald Trump seems to support the idea that Putin will be Putin. It's enough to leave America's allies confused.

The case against Susan Rice has been building for years with little fanfare. Not surprising, the mainstream media reporters based at the U.N. have either ignored her mistakes or strategically covered them up.

The next time a news outlet complains about the state of our political rhetoric or the uninformed U.S. voter, we should promptly point them to the video of Ashley Parker raucous in a Polish cemetery or Philip Rucker's diatribes on party invitations.

One of the reasons the American public holds unelected government officials in such low esteem is that they are never held accountable for their failures.

'The Catcher in the Rye' was targeted by some schools as a book too risque to read and certainly not appropriate for young minds. My parents certainly would not have approved of the book, but I secretly read it when I was in 7th grade. I felt so rebellious, and my young mind loved it.

Very few teachers or leaders in my small Michigan community ever discussed the issue of 'The Catcher in the Rye,' and certainly no one came to the 1951 Novel's defense.

There is no way to expect one ambassador to cover all of the U.S. government's priority issues, and certainly there are a plethora of U.N. meetings that drag on with an unlimited number of speakers and no time limits.

I think what you are supposed to be when you are young is idealistic and passionate.

While we all want the U.N. to live up to its original intent and be the place where the world comes together to solve international problems, the reality is the U.N. isn't all that different from any other political body. Countries and individuals play to the cameras, create good theatre, and negotiate selfishly.

While other countries may espouse the liberal utopian dream of a global community, it's usually only to get the richer countries to pay more money for the world's problems.

I think President Obama is weak, bored with the office, and an incompetent leader.

While it has been mostly unreported, Mr. Trump has embraced the LGBT community like no other GOP nominee in history.

No one really disagrees that all of humanity has a responsibility to protect fellow citizens in a time of need.

Without American leadership at the U.N., countries just continue to talk and socialize and spend taxpayer dollars.

As political primaries approach, national media attention focuses on Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.

Many developing nations have such severe debt and budget problems that the money given by developed nations will never be spent the way it is intended.

Too many members of the U.N. benefit from the status quo and won't make decisions for purely altruistic reasons.

It's true that John Bolton would not win the most popular ambassador award at the U.N., but being popular shouldn't be the priority.

The deplorable Syrian refugee crisis was created because Syrian President Bashar al-Assad started a war on his people, and the international community refused to confront him.

The Obama administration has been unable to call Jerusalem the capital of Israel because the Palestinians want to claim it as their capital in a future state.

Nominating Susan Rice for Secretary of State is a mistake not just because of her Sunday show deceptions but because her tenure as America's representative to the U.N. has been unworthy of a promotion.

Speaking out and challenging the status quo is seldom cheered at the UN.

Guilt by association is part of campaigning.

The Obama doctrine of ignoring international issues and claiming it's none of the U.S.' business is a philosophy that has allowed Russia, Iran, and China to step up and take the lead.