Depending on the kind of code you write, depending on the kind of ideas you have, you can be creative in problem-solving and you can really make things work in a very gratifying way.

Unfortunately, in Nevada - and more specifically, in Las Vegas and Reno - we've experienced incidents of human trafficking. In Las Vegas, the average trafficking victim is as young as 14. We must act to prevent this disturbing criminal activity from occurring in our communities.

Before representing Nevada in Congress, I worked in Las Vegas as a computer programmer and systems analyst in what's been long considered a male-dominated industry. It wasn't easy.

Throughout my time in Congress, I've made it my priority to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, to look past partisanship and to help pass commonsense legislation so we can help working families in Nevada and across our country.

Good policy usually comes from working across the aisle, and I believe tax reform needs to be tackled with Democrats and Republicans finding common ground.

In the House, I was named one of the most bipartisan members of Congress, and that's a title I plan on continuing to hold in the Senate.

We're in the west, and we have a rich history of gun ownership and hunting, but people here across the state understand the difference between public safety and personal ownership and that we can have both if we protect the second amendment.

I absolutely think that we cannot trust Iran.

I was raised to believe that you need to leave the world a better place than how you found it, as corny as that sounds.

When you are the head of any philanthropy organization, what you learn is empathy, how to listen and be responsive to people's needs.

STEM education is an area where we can't afford to leave anyone behind.

Solar energy is clean, renewable and easy to harvest - and Nevada is blessed to have no shortage of sunshine.

Regardless of your religious belief, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity, there is no place in our communities for hate.

By inspiring children to pursue interests in STEM early on, we are instilling in them the curiosity needed to show them that these fields are as equally accessible to them as anyone else.

We have a bipartisan congressional task force against anti-Semitism, that's fantastic.

When we're able to identify disparities in education, we can better determine whether federal grant programs are effectively reaching our students, allowing us to improve how to distribute and implement these funds across communities.

If I ever write a book, 'I Should Have Worn Comfortable Shoes' would be the title.

I graduated high school in 1974 when Roe v. Wade had only just been passed. Ms. Magazine was only just starting, and women were really feeling empowered to pursue their dreams and their careers, and I was excited to enter a new field of technology.

Nevada is a small state. I think we're doing well trying to diversify and grow and understanding that it takes time. We're going to have to continue to do that while continuing to support the thing that we're most famous for, being the entertainment capital of the world.

We have a moral obligation to raise awareness and educate those around us so we can create a world where human trafficking is a thing of the past, and bring these human rights violations to an immediate end.

I usually get up early because I like the quiet time in the morning to have my coffee, and I look at the news of the day, and give myself a chance to wake up.

I've seen firsthand the dramatic savings that solar energy can generate.

Broadband access is important for everyone, for telemedicine, for telehealth, for communicating.

We must be vigilant in protecting Nevada's outdoor heritage and make this a top priority.