I really truly respect and honor the fact that the majority of my district is African-American and that I have to make sure that I surround myself with people with that lens.

Being in southwest Detroit, when my dad would want to say anything about me or my brothers or sisters, he would start speaking in Spanish to my uncle and my grandmother because we didn't understand.

Confrontational or not, my approach to public service has always been fighting for my families.

Social niceties are not in order for men who would turn away refugees fleeing for their lives based on their faith to have them suffer in camps.

I still remember, at the age of 12, learning that segregation had been permitted only a couple of decades before I was born and that a woman's right to vote was not even a century old. But it was great Americans who stood up, some dying for the cause, to make our country better.

Trump has created an atmosphere wherein my sons are questioning their place and identity as Arab Americans and Muslims.

Old models of development simply seek to lure business with substantial tax breaks and then hope (and pray) that economic benefits will trickle down to residents. It has not worked for our city in the past, and it will not work for the future city that we all hope want to see.

Detroit can become a national model for urban revitalization, but to do so, it must break free from past development models.

Detroit can't come close to repairing the decades of neglect without addressing the crisis in our neighborhoods. I live in southwest Detroit near Woodmere Cemetery. My neighbors and I deal with the negative impacts of job loss, increased poverty, and pollution every day.

I really am focused on making sure we're doing everything we can so every single person in our country... has the right to thrive... and live in a just and equitable society.

Big money has hijacked our politics.

We must stop tax giveaways to rich corporations and developers while our schools are crumbling and people are losing their homes.

We demand Congress access and publicly release Donald Trump's tax returns!

President Donald Trump is a direct and serious threat to our country.

I went to Detroit Public Schools: Harms Elementary, Bennett, which is now called Phoenix Academy. This is all in Southwest Detroit. I graduated from Southwestern High School, so I'm a 'Prospector,' which is what we used to call each other.

I was the third parent, growing up, and it did make me a very overly responsible adult.

I'm constantly working, and I've earned everything that I've been able to achieve on my own, and that's what being the eldest of 14 taught me.

The first thing I think about when somebody says you're going to be the first Muslim is celebrate this moment.

Historically marginalized populations have already had less access to wealth and credit building opportunities, and the continued use of credit histories to set auto insurance pricing compounds racial discrimination and exacerbates wealth inequality.

Voters will never wonder where I stand on an issue or if I will be there when needed. I will be side by side with them as we fight back against the Trump agenda together.

I love being a mom.

I'm so much of a proud Detroiter.

My God, do we have some of the most amazing people. You won't find stories like ours. You almost feel like, if there's ever a need to tell an American story, just come to Detroit.

I can tell you, you know, I am a person that every - people that do really know me well know that I'm extremely passionate about fighting for my families and the residents back home.