Canadians deserve to know the difference between Mr. Trudeau and myself.

I'm not afraid to fight for things I believe in, and I'm not afraid to respect people that have another point of view.

I have great respect for all my colleagues.

I'm here to fight for the well-being of Canadians across the country.

I'm proud of my country.

Canadians haven't always seen themselves in our party.

Keeping young people out of community work sponsored by faith groups means an entire generation won't be as well-equipped to think and believe for themselves.

I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth, and my wedding was not on the cover of a magazine.

An O'Toole government will pass a Freedom of Movement Act that will make it a criminal offence to block a railway, airport, port, or major road, or to block the entrance to a business or household in a way that prevents people from lawfully entering or leaving.

I wore a uniform to stand up for all rights and that means I don't pick or choose which I defend, whether it's for equality rights or women's rights. I've been consistent on that in my public life. I've also stood up for religious freedom, conscience rights of freedom of speech.

I'm known as a small-c conservative.

My province needs to understand that Alberta's issues are national issues.

It's very important to respect the conversation between a priest and the members of their flock.

At times we will have mutual interests with Mexico, but at times we will not.

As I have said several times, Veterans are not a monolithic group that has the same needs and desires. They want to be fulfilled, support their family and have options after their years in uniform. A job in government should not be the only option.

I believe that Conservatives do best when we focus on strong ideas for our future and when we leverage the strength of grassroots across the country.

If Canadians want to know what the Conservatives' ideas are or plans are on the environment, on Indigenous reconciliation, on any issue that Canadians are looking for some leadership, we have to have a plan and an approach. We can't just run on the economy.

We have to be able to show Canadians that our strength on the economy doesn't mean we ignore all other issues.

I'm known on the Hill for having respect, I think, on all sides of the House of Commons because I don't buy into treating people poorly.

I fight for people that wear a uniform.

I stand up for all rights.

My biggest strength is I'm not a career politician.

The Conservatives will have a serious plan that is not a tax on families and businesses, that will get our emissions down by partnering, by being strategic and and taking it seriously, but not through just a tax mechanism.

We have to be eyes-wide-open with China. If I'm prime minister, we will have a serious, mature approach with China that I think shows our concerns with them on the global stage.