We will trade freely with free nations and not spend our time chasing trade deals with predatory countries like communist China.

It is time for free nations to stop ignoring or even normalizing tyranny. Not only is it the right thing to do - but it's also the only way to stand up for our national security and the safety of the Canadian people.

I like to say I bring the perspective of a kid from Bowmanville... but I understand military service and uniformed service.

You can't build a strong future for millennials or young people just based on social media. If so, they'd be all secure with Mr. Trudeau, who is very good at social media.

Trudeau's obsession with China should not come as a surprise. For decades, many Canadian corporate and financial insiders were espousing deeper and closer ties with China at all costs.

After 12 years as an Air Force officer, I turned in my wings for a notebook, earned a law degree and went to work for Proctor & Gamble.

There are no oil rigs in the Durham region of Ontario and the only energy that our area is known for is the electricity generated from nuclear power.

I think we need ideas for the future.

You learn more from your setbacks than from your successes.

As leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, I commit to work with all Conservatives to live up to the promise of our great country.

The Trudeau government increasingly avoids debate on important national issues by demonizing people who disagree with them.

China's propaganda approach with the West is different than the one used by the Soviet Union, which used Western belligerence to maintain its control over its domestic audience. China's strategy is one of influence and inertia.

Every time we refuse to stand up for liberty and our core beliefs as a nation in the face of aggression from the Chinese regime, we legitimize their behaviour and encourage more bully tactics.

Since 1979, the majority of victims of the Iranian regime have been the Iranian people themselves.

Canadians must realize that the success of our resource sector benefits all Canadians.

I'm a principle liberty, rule-of-law Conservative.

The struggle for freedom and human rights is universal and Canada used to be a leader.

I'm always going to say, 'I think there is racism' and I want to stamp it out.

The Five Eyes nations have a duty to support Hong Kong and its status as guaranteed by the 1984 agreement.

My family and I are devoted to working with our team to rebuild our party in areas where we are weak.

Even when there's disagreements politically or among veterans or among advocacy organizations, let's agree to do that respectfully and show care and compassion to those who have served us.

I'm a proud conservative and firmly believe in a principled approach to foreign policy - one that builds on our values and interests as a country. This approach has made me a resolute and strong friend to Israel.

While Justin Trudeau uses the slogan, 'Diversity is our strength,' he has demonstrated time and again that he does not extend that diversity to thought or conscience.

I want Albertans to know they will have a champion in Erin O'Toole.