Ladies and gentlemen, the relevant question is not when Iran will get the bomb. The relevant question is at what stage can we no longer stop Iran from getting the bomb.

I'm such a failed politician that all of my rivals have disappeared, on both sides.

I don't do anything to impress anyone, quite successfully I can tell you.

We want peace, but not at any price.

Iran poses the most serious long-term threat to regional stability.

The Palestinian Authority cannot hold the stick at both ends: to incite violence, to participate in it, and to tell the world how - what kind of underdog they are.

I'm in the government to make sure that if there's an opportunity to make peace, it won't be missed.

There is no entity in the world that will dare attack Israel with chemical weapons.

It's the role of a government to defend its soldiers and its citizens.

The Syrian rebels, weakened by infighting, have also been victims of the growing rift between the U.S. and its closest Arab allies.

If I were a Palestinian of the right age, I'd eventually join one of the terrorist organizations.

I don't feel opportunistic ever, in anything.

When an army doesn't want to fight, you don't need much experience to win.

Sometimes you have to subordinate strategic considerations to tactical needs.

I became a prime minister within four-and-a-half years, the shortest kind of career ever in Israeli political history.

If Israel does not find the way to disengage from the Palestinians, its future might resemble the experience of Belfast or Bosnia - two communities bleeding each other to death for generations.

Israel is the strongest nation in the Middle East, but we have to apply our strength wisely.

I delivered lectures, and I was also a consultant for international companies in finance, both private equity and big venture capital funds.

Saddam Hussein has set an example of defiance, especially against the first President Bush, that other Arab leaders cannot and should not emulate; the example leads only to empty gestures and developmental stagnation, both of which the Arab nations have had enough of already.

Either we destroy world terror or world terror will destroy us.

Israel will continue to act proactively to prevent the transfer of heavy missiles or advanced air defense systems from Syria to Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, which, of course, carries the risk of a military showdown.

International legitimacy is a fundamental source of power for Israel nowadays.

The first intifada, I was then commander of Central Command, commanding the West Bank, basically. And I know to what extent the first intifada was a popular uprising.

ISIS has never fought a real battle.