Too often, I hear stories of teachers and parents spending part of their paychecks to ensure there are supplies in the classroom - even basic necessities like pens, pencils and paper. This is unacceptable.

When Arizona became a state, the federal government granted our founders nearly 11 million acres of state land. Every time we sell a piece of that land, proceeds go into the Land Trust where the money is invested and earns interest.

I've visited schools all across our state, and the message is clear. Our kids have needs today, and our educators need more resources to do their jobs.

Let's learn from our peers and then beat them at their own game.

We want to control our own destiny and take responsibility for our own outcomes.

We don't want Arizona to be dependent on the whims of Barack Obama and the federal government.

I hope you'll find that my campaign was a reflection of how I plan to govern - bringing people together, building coalitions, and finding common ground.

I honestly believe that we are Arizonans and Americans first, not merely advocates for our respective political parties.

One state can't set everything right, but here in Arizona, we can set an example for the rest of the country in how those of us in elected office conduct ourselves and interact with each other and our constituents.

I've repeated time and again that Arizona is open for business.

Where opportunities to expand trade and commerce exist, we will lead, and we will partner.

I'm committed as governor to valuing and nurturing our relationships with our friends to the south.

A great economy requires great public schools.

If there's one thing Arizona is best in the nation at, it's water.

As our economy advances, our government and our laws need to modernize, too.

I'm always concerned about how our state looks.

My philosophy is that I may not like all the questions that you ask, and you may not like all the answers that I give, but this is part of a transparent government.

The American people overwhelmingly oppose taxpayer funding of abortions, and it's no different in Arizona, where we have long-standing policy against subsidizing them with public dollars.

If you're old enough to father a child, then you're old enough to accept financial responsibility for that child. If you don't want your embarrassing, unlawful, and irresponsible behavior going viral, man up and pay up.

In our administration, we're going to follow the law, and any policy that we move forward will fall well within the law and the Arizona Constitution.

The Governor's Office is going to get out of the litigation business.

These are basic, nonpartisan, non-ideological questions. How many United States senators are there... who was the first president.

We all should be concerned if our kids don't know who Sandra Day O'Connor, John Adams, and Ronald Reagan are.

I want to see us add more dollars to the classroom.