Prisons are out of public sight, and most often out of mind. But the vast majority of prisoners will at some point leave jail and rejoin our communities, which is why what happens inside matters to us all.

I really believe that a child's mental health is just as important as his or her physical health.

Every voter in Ukraine should have their say on the future they want for their country.

Like anyone from any party who has stood for election, I've often had the depressing experience of meeting an 18- or 19-year-old new voter on the doorstep and being told: 'I'm not interested in voting' or 'none of this matters to me.'

There's going to be a need for a system of cooperation within the continent of Europe including the U.K. that covers both economic and political cooperation.

Open and fair competition within free markets encourages innovation, meaning fresh perspectives can be applied. The private sector also brings skills and knowledge to bear on what can often be complex issues.

It is in our nations' interests to see a strong European Union with a growing economy, competitive on the world market.

People are mistaken if they think the Foreign Office can get you out of jail. We can't, but we will work hard to try and ensure your safety, and that you get a fair trial.

After we leave the E.U., the British Standards Institute should also remain a member of the European Standards Organisation, which is not an E.U. institution.

Cybersecurity is one of my main priorities, as well as the government's, and we are committed to making the U.K. the safest place to live and do business online.

A stable, prosperous and peaceful Ukraine is in the interests of everyone in the region.

Corbyn is about 1970s Bennite control.

Sometimes getting something off your chest to someone else is an important step in coping - so you know that you're not alone, you're not failing, and that it is perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed or sad at times. Everybody does.

Prison conditions in some parts of the world can be very poor, overcrowded and, in some cases, dangerous and sentences can be much tougher than in the U.K.

I want to see prison numbers come down. We need better custody that cuts reoffending and crime. And we need to ensure judges, magistrates and the public have full confidence in the other penalties available.

Being part of the E.U. is central to how we in the U.K. create jobs, expand trade and protect our interests around the world.

In many countries, the authority of the state is weak and openly defied by militias and terrorist groups. In others, state forces themselves act with impunity.

Time spent travelling was assumed to be unproductive and a monetary value attributed to the minutes that would be saved from a speedier journey that allowed people to get from one office to another more quickly. I've always thought that that case was weak.

The men and women who work in our prisons are the unsung heroes of the criminal justice system.

We must do better by offenders who are sent to prison to make them less likely to return.

The closer you get to Number 10 the more you see what a back-breaking job that is, the pressure is absolutely constant and the loss of privacy is almost complete so I don't have ambitions in that direction and there is no vacancy nor likely to be during my time in politics.

The proudest citizen of Aberdeen, Plymouth, Coleraine or Wrexham can also take huge pride in being part of the United Kingdom.

In Africa, animals and the natural landscape allow local communities to support themselves, as there is a constant source of money from tourism.

The public is interested in the service it receives, not the mechanism that delivers it.