The threat from cyber criminals and nation states continues to grow. So we need to forge closer partnerships with industry, academia and civil society, and develop the profession to create a more diverse workforce.

As our digitally connected world continues to expand, the inherent vulnerabilities in the systems we rely on provide ever greater opportunities for those who want to exploit them.

A desire to see significant reform and change is perfectly compatible with our belief that membership of the E.U. is in our national interest.

Moving to a new school, or up a year at an existing school - with new friends, teachers, subjects, rules and expectation - is a big deal for young people. All of us who are adults remember how daunting it was, but we sometimes take it for granted that children will be able to cope with the change.

Government has learned a lot from the business world - and I hope that some companies will recognise they can learn from each other, too.

I am the man who stands on the stage spinning plates on the top of poles. Every now and then the PM gives me another plate and I have to keep that going as well.

We can restore E.U. growth through reducing regulation, strengthening governance, pushing ahead with free trade agreements and strengthening the single market.

Conservatives believe in patriotism, but equally in community and the importance of local identity. We believe in devolution. We believe in localism. We believe that decisions should be taken locally wherever is practical; that communities matter.

When Theresa May asked me to resolve policy disagreements between ministers, my power to do that depended on the fact that I was acting on her behalf with her delegated authority.

We could choose to leave as a country split and an economy disjointed, struggling to make our way in a new world outside the E.U. Or we can come together as one United Kingdom, confidently seizing new global opportunities as we build a prosperous, secure nation fit for the future challenges we will face.

No individual, no organization, no government is above the law.

Although I wanted to Remain, I know the E.U. is not perfect. I have attended more than enough of its council meetings and read enough of its commission papers to understand its flaws.

While the circumstances of any one situation are unique, it is clear that many families could have been helped if they had found it easier to talk openly about mental health challenges in the home.

The Foreign Office works hard to remind people of local laws and customs as often they can be very different to British law.

Like my constituents, I have had to immerse myself in the detail about HS2 precisely because of the massive and permanent impact it would have on the area I represent.

The illegal wildlife trade has an unacceptable human cost for those who have lived for centuries in harmony with wildlife.

Most of us have embraced digital technology, and depend on it more and more in our daily lives, both at home and at work.

Wildlife crime goes well beyond just a threat to endangered species but also has impacts on our society, economy and security. It undermines efforts to uphold the rule of law, acts as an agent for corruption, creates a barrier to development and fuels global instability.

Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis' by JD Vance made me entirely rethink U.S. republicanism, Donald Trump and the American white working class.

I love the theatre and Miller is one of my all-time favourite playwrights. 'All My Sons' is a very socialist play, which exposes the lack of empathy that can accompany capitalism when it is left unchecked.

I spend much of my time in a suit and tie with my top button done up and my sensible shoes neatly polished. When it comes to work, my appearance is about communicating professionalism and confidence.

Leadership is about tough choices.

Active dads make a positive contribution: they are good for children and they are good for mothers.

Dads are not a risk to be managed, but a resource to be used for the benefit of the whole family.