I grew up under Thatcher; the era of apartheid; the era of the poll tax; the era of riots. I remember Neil Kinnock was a hero.

Supporting Spurs is a bit like being in the Labour Party. It's a labour of love, believe me.

Courts are too distant from the communities they put on trial.

I have very eclectic tastes. I love soul and Motown; I listen to some rap - Stormzy, Tinie Tempah, Drake. I also love classical music, American country and the folk tradition. I often start the day with gospel on my way to work. The only thing I have never got into is punk.

When I was growing up, I wanted to be Michael Jackson. I used to sing and dance and perform with my sister at parties for 50p.

I tend not to read fiction - I'll read one novel a year during the summer - but I do read a lot of nonfiction.

We look around at our national politicians, we do not see national politicians who are without fault. And, actually, we see quite a lot who get very far - let's take Boris Johnson- with considerable. White. Privilege. Failure after failure after failure rewarded.

I'm so bored of tribal politics. That's part of the problem. I'm so bored of it. I'm not a tribalist. That's not what turns me on.

I'm a legislator, but it's hard to legislate when my party's out of power.

The ingrained image of black men being searched by the police feeds into the collective illusion that black men everywhere need to be policed more than others.

I'm just not convinced that the British people I know and love are interested in revolution.

Stop and search is an integral cog in a racially disproportionate criminal justice system.

Mum eventually graduated with a City & Guilds certificate that hung proudly on our living room wall throughout my childhood.

For me, a hoodie is like a pair of slippers or pyjamas - something comfortable and well-worn that you can wear unthinkingly. Unless, of course, you happen to be a black male.

There were a lot of things I thought of doing as I was growing up, from becoming a singer to a priest to a pilot.

People 'demand' the opportunity to gamble away money they do not have, just like people 'demand' money from loan sharks at extortionate interest rates. This is a warped, empty type of freedom, in which the powerful are free to exploit the vulnerable.

If you're in the business of law you're in the business of representation and precedent.

Separate but equal is a fraud.

Music, dance, literature and the visual arts open up a rich and intensely rewarding world. It is a world that should not be the preserve of the few.

We cannot have different policing for different communities. It is inherently unfair.

If companies shared profits with their workers, employers and employees would have a greater mutual interest in each other's success.

My wife does all the driving.

Prejudice is not just a personal sentiment - it can be institutional too.

Plenty of people are intrigued by their family history. Growing up as the son of West Indian immigrants who moved to London in the 1950s and 60s, I was especially fascinated by anecdotes about the lives of my Guyanese relatives, which seemed a million miles away from Tottenham's Broadwater Farm estate.