We know there isn't anything we can say or do that will bring their loved one back. What we can do is support them and honor their sacrifice by doing everything we can, every day, to make our communities stronger and our nation better so that we may be a people worthy of their sacrifices.

When it comes to the SAFE Act, when it comes to rolling back Common Core, I recognize that I need Assembly Democrats to make that a reality.

I think abortion is a settled issue in New York.

We have to reform the entire political process. It's got to start with leadership by example.

We should roll back Common Core.

When mainstream Muslims defeat the Islamic State, that lessens the ability of the Islamic State to recruit and fund-raise.

Legislation on Lyme disease, weather patterns, helping farmers, helping veterans - these are not partisan issues.

We have changing weather patterns, and we have climate change. This is the science. I hope that my party will come to be comfortable with this because we have to operate in the realm of knowledge and science.

People are starving for truth and leadership.

Our potential adversaries are watching us, and they have seen what has happened to us... This is why we're dealing with a very problematical and troublesome Putin, and we're dealing with Iran in a very terrible agreement we had.

When you talk about peace through strength, what you're talking about is the concept of deterrence.

By training and keeping doctors in underserved areas, we're working toward a goal of increasing access to quality health care for more of our communities.

Moving forward, I will be committed to building a stronger team so that the GOP can compete and win statewide in 2018, including the possibility of being a candidate in that cycle.

On the Agriculture Committee, I will be an ardent and strong champion for our farmers to ensure that they are treated fairly, particularly in regards to how their products are priced.

The rural nature of our district relies heavily on the profitability of our family farms.

We need legislation that encourages increased competition and tort reform and combats fraud, waste, and abuse. This would drive down health care costs, provide more 'bottom line' for our small businesses and lead to more private sector job growth.

When the people's representatives have to go on record and vote, it transforms our country. It is a full recognition that we are in a state of war.

What my voting record reflects is constantly looking to improve the amount of resources we having going into research, development, and prototypes we have going into renewable energy sources.

I believe in peace through strength.

I want to drive down health care costs.

I'm against the president's health care law because I don't agree that it's going to achieve its goals. I believe in the goals.

I came from a working-class family. My dad was in a union. I never forgot what it was like to be a private.

I will make the final decision on running for governor after my congressional term ends.

My travels have made clear that people across this state - from every political perspective - are looking for a new leader in Albany.