Take a walk around many of our cities and you will find areas of deprivation, high worklessness and educational failure only yards from areas of prosperity and employment.

University research is crucial to our future as a nation.

Universities which deliver high quality research and innovation will be an essential part of that future.

To survive in the future, we will need our economy to be dynamic, entrepreneurial, innovative and flexible.

Back in the late 1980s I was programme editor of Channel Four's Business Daily. Day after day we broadcast the latest news, views and analysis for the City in a period when its visibility was as high as it has ever been.

We're ending the situation where any old thug can turn up and work as a bailiff.

No longer can a bailiff come crashing through someone's door in the dead of night. We have banned them from visiting between 9 P.M. and 6 A.M.

Some bailiffs were tacking on extra charges left, right and centre - a fee for every letter they sent, extra fees for visiting your house, for clamping your car, seizing it, towing it and selling it. It all stacked up and people in debt had no choice but to pay. We have put an end to this.

We remain fully committed to introducing a cap on social care costs.

We are world leaders in open and transparent government.

We need to curtail the role of the European Court of Human Rights in the U.K.

We need a proper balance between rights and responsibilities in our laws.

You can't be allowed to take away the rights of others, and then use your own rights to avoid facing the consequences.

I'm not afraid of making big and sometimes unpopular calls if they're the right thing to do.

I'm a lightning rod for the anti-Brexit brigade.

Turkey has a customs union with the E.U. - it still means there are checks on the border between Turkey and the E.U.

We cannot afford to let Brexit slip away - the political price, the reputational damage to the country is too great.

I do not believe that as a country we are completely ill-prepared for no-deal Brexit. It is not the optimal solution it is not the best outcome for Britain, we will do much better than people expect.

Are we really going to accept the situation where the government of Lithuania has more power over our trading relationship with the Commonwealth than our government does? That is the reality of the customs union.

I want prisons to be spartan, but humane, a place people don't have a particular desire to come back to.

You chastise children when they are bad, as my parents did me. I'm not opposed to smacking. It is to be used occasionally.

We cannot do anything that exposes the country to the risk of Jeremy Corbyn.

I'm not suggesting we suddenly become a jingoistic, closed-door society that erects barricades at Dover. That would not be in the interests of London. But we can't, in my view, go on for ever accepting an unlimited number of people.

Whatever your race, colour or creed in London, you still want your children to get on the housing ladder. You still want spaces in hospitals or GP surgeries, you want school places and you want space on the trains in the mornings.