Advanced industrialised economies like ourselves cannot afford to go on growing, particularly if we want to give people in poorer countries a chance of being able to at least meet their basic needs.

The models that the other parties have used where you have a very powerful leader squashing any kind of independent ideas from the grass roots is not very attractive to the electorate.

I joined the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in the 1980s and protested at Greenham Common.

The only newspaper in our house when I was growing up was the Daily Mail, and we would never have dreamt of discussing politics around the dinner table. So my involvement in politics came about through activism.

I come from a very conventional and non-political background.

A government can't cut its way out of a recession any more than you can dig yourself out of a hole.

I'm a great believer in needing things that give us some hope.

We live in a country of grotesque inequalities.

On many issues, Jeremy Corbyn and I are in agreement.

My interest was in renaissance literature, looking at how men were writing for women in the 1590s, a time when many women were being taught to read but not to write.

My parents are not people who would want to rock the boat. They wouldn't break the law.

We pride ourselves on our democracy, but when you see the way it actually works, I think it is worthy of contempt.

I don't think Ed Miliband has the courage of his convictions. He's scared he'll be painted by the rightwing press as a throwback to the time of the 'big state.'

The one thing we have that the other parties do not have is a political integrity. No one thinks you join the Green party because you're politically ambitious, or have your own agenda.

I think if people thought we were just like the other parties and would ditch our policies at the first moment we thought we wouldn't get a majority, then we'd become just like all the other parties.

I think we'd be crazy to do anything to the integrity of our policy package, which is progressive, and really dealing with the key social and environmental issues that we face. We're not about to ditch our commitment to nuclear disarmament, for example, to somehow make ourselves more electable.

I did try being a vegan.

To the extent that Bernie Sanders was about building a movement of people where challenging things that up until then were unchallengeable, then absolutely we want to be seen in that mould.

Trump is surrounding himself with so many climate sceptics and when he himself says he thinks climate change is a Chinese hoax then there are real concerns.

I've been arrested a few times. The most high-profile instance was when protesting at the fracking site in Balcombe. It's an industry which will undermine our chances of tackling climate change.

Being an MP for a place you love is an extraordinary gift.

Petra Kelly is my inspiration, one of the founders of the German Greens.

A girl named Rachel transformed my childhood. Life was safe, suburban and comfortable, but ours was a home without books. I met her aged 11, and she introduced me to the joys of poetry and literature. It opened my mind to ideas I could never have dreamed of.

What does the public want? It wants a vested interest in its own energy provision - driving more efficient behaviour. It wants greater choice and responsibility at a local level. And it wants increased use of renewables to protect the environment.