Too many children today are trapped in schools that don't work for them.

The bottom line is we believe that parents are the best equipped to make choices for their children's schooling and education decisions.

We're not proposing any shifting of funding from public schools to private schools.

You have to have teachers who are empowered to facilitate great teaching.

I need to stress that I could not be more supportive of great teachers and great teaching, no matter what kind of delivery vehicle they are teaching through. We have to support great teachers. They just have to be freed up to do what they do best.

The bigger goal of giving all parents more choices is one that will have to be discussed and undoubtedly roundly debated, but we are going to have to continue to build the case. The momentum is there on the state level in many states. That's where the energy needs to be harnessed in a new way.

I will not be deterred from my mission of helping kids in this country.

Parents no longer believe that a one-size-fits-all model of learning meets the needs of every child. And they know other options exist, whether magnet, virtual, charter, home, faith-based, or any other combination.

We'll be examining and auditing and reviewing all of the programs of the department and really figuring out what is the core mission and how can the federal department of education really support and enhance the role of the departments in the states.

What you demand of others you should carry out yourself.

Is the role of the prime minister to cultivate political leadership in Israel? My answer is yes.

Judaism is the best basis for democracy. The debate between the House of Hillel and the House of Shammai, the constant debate, has been a tradition of ours for thousands of years.

Netanyahu needs to leave Israel's political life.

If the Palestinians will one day decide to wake up and join a diplomatic process that is being carried out with the support of countries in the region, with international support - welcome. But I'm not waiting.

I can tell you what I'm driven by. I'm driven by what's in Israel's interest.

I am going to be prime minister.

For me, sacrificing Israeli democracy is not something I can agree to.

Under my leadership, the government will strive for peace and will not miss an opportunity to bring about regional change.

I was raised in the paratroopers.

In the harsh and violent Middle East surrounding us, there is no mercy for the weak. Only the strong survive!

Israel is a strong country in the region. And it will stay strong if our people will stay committed to Israel, whether it's to defend it, whether it's to develop it.

Israel will not be deprived of its status as a strong, Jewish and democratic state.

I respect the choice of the people and I respect the law.

I'm not subject to extortion under any circumstances.