Peace between leaders and peace on the ground will strengthen the interests of all.

I'll never miss an opportunity to achieve peace.

Israel will do all in its power to ensure that from Paris to Jacksonville, from Berlin to Manchester, Jews can walk on the streets without hiding their identity.

I want the children of Israel to believe that there can be a better tomorrow.

I will not shy away from the prospect of peace because I believe our people, and any people, should have something to believe in.

As someone who prepared our forces to deal with the multiplicity of operational and strategic challenges our country faces, I am confident about Israel's capability to defend itself.

The Western Wall is long enough for us all.

We are part of an inspiringly colorful mosaic of cultures and traditions. I will nurture this pluralism.

When I will be the prime minister of Israel, I will embrace all streams of Judaism.

Throughout our history, our fight for survival and freedom has been empowered by a secret weapon: Our unity.

I'm not some tycoon and I don't consider myself a businessman.

I can't consider the Fifth Dimension to be a success story.

In many ways, my life has begun before I was born. It began in the moment my mother Malka walked out of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

I am making every effort to reach out to all party leaders with one clear message: Israel is bigger and more important than any one leader.

The children of Israel will not grow up in a state where some of its leaders sanctify hatred. I won't let hate win.

Israel will never surrender to hatred.

Our system of government in Israel has permitted minority groups and sectarian parties to force their way on the majority.

We will maintain security in the entire Land of Israel.

I do not hate Likudniks, I do not hate anyone.

Don't drag the Mossad into political arguments. These are people who can't defend themselves.

When you have nothing to say, you don't talk.

There's no shame in longing for peace.

Israeli Arabs are equal citizens.

I think that at his core, Benjamin Netanyahu is not corrupt.