I plan to serve the State of Israel.

I love to run and do it every day. I run slowly, by the way.

I sleep at night, but I don't sleep well.

I have been a soldier and a commander for many years and know how to differentiate between things - not to be busy all the time with the most sensitive matters and to give everything its due attention without having the issues that cause concern to constantly be troubling or worrisome.

The latenight hours are apparently those in which the mind runs wild with scenarios and thoughts that during the daytime I know how to direct and organize.

I always said my favorite position was company commander in the Paratroop Brigade.

We are a temperate state.

The State of Israel is the strongest in the region and will remain so.

As a company commander you have absolute definitions: the mission, the people.

Let it be clear: I don't hate Bibi.

Netanyahu has taken on the toughest job in the State of Israel, and as someone who truly gives of himself, I consider him a patriot.

It's unreasonable to me that there's a government in which the culture minister attacks the institutions she's responsible for. The justice minister attacks the institutions she's responsible for. The internal security minister attacks the institutions he's responsible for. The Cabinet attacks the IDF, and the prime minister attacks everyone.

I have the duty to protect my people, hurt my enemy, do the best I can with as few uninvolved casualties as possible - I can't have zero innocent casualties - and at minimum risk to the lives of our soldiers.

I don't think that our Founders would believe that America could long prosper if the people were not readers.

I don't trust that the big-business part of our coalition is ever going to defend federalism and argue against regulatory capture. I don't trust that populists are going to defend religious liberty and the rights of creedal minorities.

If the Republican party becomes the party of David Duke, Donald Trump, I'm out.

American elections should be for Americans. And the idea that we would have foreign nation-states coming into the American electoral process, or the information surrounding an election, is really, really bad.

If you're not ten minutes early where I'm from, my dad chews you out.

There's no Democratic and Republican seats or gyms or coffee shops at the Supreme Court. Every American should be able to celebrate the fact that we aspire to nine justices who are looking to defend our rights and to defend the Constitution, not to advance policy preferences.

Obviously, we shouldn't be having any American officeholder or any American candidate looking for foreign nations to come in and be involved in U.S. elections.

Most healthy people want to coach Little League, they want to go to church and they want to have great coworkers at the office and they want to put on faceplate when Nebraska's point football on Saturdays. That's the most natural way to live.

Politics matter, but politics can't come first. If politics come first in your life, something is wrong with you. It's a sad thing.

We have judges in the American system and they take on a black robe where they are supposed to shield their partisan preferences. They are not red or blue state judges. They are judges.

Politics is about maintaining a framework for ordered liberty so that people can live in the neighborhoods and the communities that they live in.