“Despite all their faults, campaigns are based on the fact that every vote counts, and therefore every person counts. As freestanding societies, they are more open than academia, more idealistic than corporations, more unifying than religions, and more accessible than government itself.” 

“I’m also now immune to politicians who say, “I’ve traveled the length and breadth of this great land, and I know…” I’ve traveled more than any of them, and I don’t know.” 

I think when something is apolitical and it gets politicised, then it's incredibly disappointing.

To those who voted for me, thank you. And to those who didn't, better luck next year!”

“Forget about party labels. Just vote on the issues and for candidates who support equality.” 

“I’m not sure we can understand another country if we don’t understand our own.” 

“You didn’t leave your party. Your party left you. Forget about party labels. Just vote on the issues and for candidates who support equality.” 

“We must not only vote but fight to vote. The voting booth really is the one place on earth where the least powerful equal the powerful. p176” 

“Voting isn't the most we can do, but the least. To have a democracy, you have to want one.” 

“Voting isn't the most we can do, but it is the least.” 

“I've noticed that great political leaders are energized by conflict. I'm energized by listening to people's stories and trying to figure out shared solutions. That's the work of an organizer.” 

“I'm also now immune to politicians who say, "I've traveled the length and breadth of this great land, and I know..." I've traveled more than any of them, and I don't know.” 

Hey, I'm not a politician. I'm a ham. I love to give speeches.

I do not want to be a pawn in a political campaign.

With a chemical alarm, you're going to build one that is oversensitive because you would rather the alarm go off and give you a false alarm than to err on the other side.

What people don't understand is this is something that we only have in America. There is no other country in the world where the ordinary citizen can go out and enjoy hunting and fishing. There's no other nation in the world where that happens. And it's very much a part of our heritage.

I do hunt, and I do fish, and I don't apologize to anybody for hunting and fishing.

I'm not a politician. I'd make a lousy politician.

“I was angry because young men in politics were treated like rising stars and young women were treated like - well - young women. {...}

“I’m also now immune to politicians who say, “I’ve traveled the length and breadth of this great land, and I know…” I’ve traveled more than any of them, and I don’t know.” 

“Citizens who refuse to obey anything but their own conscience can transform countries, it is the basis of any real democracy.” 

“I had been silent and silenced about an abortion I'd had years before. Like many women, I'd been made to feel at fault, not realizing there were political reasons why female humans were not supposed to make decisions about our own bodies.” 

“Forget about party labels. Just vote on the issues and for candidates who support equality.” 

“I’m not sure we can understand another country if we don’t understand our own.”