In New York, lights are on the whole night; there are offices where not a single person is working, but all lights are on. The street lights at the White House are lit all the day. Why? And we are being told not to use coal.

Of course we have to use coal... the renewable energy sources will supplement the supply from coal.

Our pollution out of carbon emissions is still very, very low compared to the world.

I do not think the Nobel institution gives you a certificate that everything you say is always right.

There is no room any more for the divisive agenda which has been sought to be foisted on the common man.

India doesn't take responsibility for the problems that the world is facing because of thermal coal.

I can't inject renewables into a grid that doesn't have base load.

When PM goes for a foreign visit, he represents a country and not the party.

If you are moving the informal economy into the formal economy, and if the transactions which for years were never reported as part of GDP are now transacted through banking channels, it will only add to the GDP, not reduce the GDP.

I don't interfere with regulators.

I will reach out to all states uniformly... I can assure you I will take two steps for every step they extend.

I can't tell my people that you will get power only from 6 A.M. to 5 P.M., and after that, we live in darkness. You need 24-hour power; you need a baseload, and that baseload for India is coal. We are looking at clean coal technologies to reduce the impact of pollution.

Ramifications of small decisions can be pretty large.

More taxes mean more money to spend for public welfare.

Politics is involved when you don't tackle inefficiency and burden people with higher tariffs.

We cannot have a system that everything can be passed on to the final consumer in the garb of cost being recovered without being sensitive to their own problems and affordability.

I feel there is huge potential for India and the U.K. to work together both on the technology space and on the investment space.

I believe investigative agencies should be run in an autonomous manner, and there shouldn't be any interference from the government's side.

Allocating coal linkage to a generating company rather than to a specific plant gives companies the freedom to use the fuel in the most efficient way.

Extra capacity makes manufacturing competitive, keeps pricing in control.

People of India deserve to be complimented for making the 2014 elections a referendum on the misrule of the Congress-led UPA and demonstrating their faith in a proven new leadership.

Renewable energy is not more expensive than fossil fuel when you factor in life-cycle costs.

If inflation is brought down, interest rates will fall. Once rates fall, we have the opportunity to maybe achieve the goal of 'housing for all' faster; take roads, infrastructure to India's interiors.

Gujaratis are smart people.