Unless you empower your domestic investor and domestic industry and domestic confidence in the sector, no foreigner is going to come.

I am very friendly with the people of India, and corporates are also a part of that.

The 100 gigawatt target for solar should not be a constraint. India won't stop at 100 GW.

I trust the regulatory mechanism; it is a fair and independent mechanism, and the politicians and government do not interfere with the regulators.

PM Modi has provided visionary leadership with his focus on the welfare of the poor and inclusive nature taking along his whole team, including states, parties, all schools of thought, all sections of society.

By using LED bulbs, one can contribute, in their way, to overcome global warming.

We aim to encourage investments that ease our supply-side bottlenecks, such as rural roads, cold-storage, and grain-warehouses, which will also help us combat inflation.

Corruption is the by-product of discretion when there is scope for interpretation of policies.

It is important to take into account the total power cost borne by consumers after taking into account what they spend on inverters and gensets.

Solar growth will support landowners to derive income and solar industry to build their business.

Western countries have gone through their development cycle and enjoyed the fruits of ruining the environment over many years and are now giving us homilies and pontificating on responsibilities to the environment. I think they need to look inward.

I don't get carried away by any praise; I know I have miles to go.

Even a poor man doesn't ask alms unless he sees you have the ability to give.

You can fool the people once, twice, but you can't fool them all the time. You should tell them honestly what you can do for them.

Electricity can transform people's lives, not just economically but also socially.

The speed of decision making is the essence of good governance.

You have to decide that you will be the best.

Wind developers have realised the importance of transparent method of price discovery, which was demonstrated in the solar sector. They realise that bidding brings in efficiency, and tariff is right-sized.

Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, we are looking to make India self-reliant in terms of power requirement, along with providing carbon-free sources of power, thus improving India's position globally.

My solar energy programme alone will generate about a million jobs.

Western countries can cut down coal and replace it by renewables; I will need to have more coal.

I want to reignite the interest in hydro-electric investments.

I can't tell the people of India that we'll burden you with high costs because the West has polluted the world, now India will pay for it. Not acceptable to us.

UDAY is meant for financial and operational turnaround of discoms.