Kerala has set an example in providing facilities for Haj pilgrimage. People are working as volunteers in Haj camps without honorarium.

Water Metro is the first water transport system of its kind in India. The project will be implemented in a timely manner and the first phase will become a reality in March 2020.

This very concept of police assault is a colonialist notion and it holds no significance in a modern, democratic society.

Usually it is good to spread some light. The problem is that lakhs of people, like our workers, small-scale businesses, the tourism sector, restaurants, holiday resorts, lakhs of them, are in trouble and we should be able to spread light to them. For that, good financial support is needed.

India belongs to Indians of all kinds. Efforts to undermine this fact will only take our country backwards and destroy our hard-fought freedom. We must not let that happen.

If we don't learn from our lessons, are we humans?

Look what happened in Assam where the NRC was rolled out. Poor people with no way to find their documents were affected the most. And among them, the majority were Hindus.

Kerala is not the place to roll out the RSS agenda.

Everyone eats all kinds of food in Kerala. Kerala is one of the states where life span is the highest; and lifespan is closely linked to food habits. In Kerala, people are generally non-vegetarians. If it was bad for health, life expectancy would not have been so good.

Our country is secular and Kerala is one state where it plays out at its best.

RSS is an organization that is trained in spreading lies and creating communal clashes.

The Congress needs to consolidate its secular credentials. Its soft Hindutva approach would only help the BJP.

I have worked as a party secretary in Kerala. I had been assigned the responsibility of party secretary while I was a minister in the state government.

Leaders in the LDF are united and there are no differences.

It's clear that the RSS is directly taking key decisions on behalf of the BJP. RSS policies are not compliant with our country's interests. The RSS doesn't accept secularism.

Kerala is not a resource-rich State. This is a big challenge. Only if you have resources, you will have sound industries.

Every time they came to power, the Congress engaged in large scale corruption. Even when they were in power, they did nothing to stop the hoarding of black money in offshore havens.

Congress started mixing politics with religion. BJP perfected it.

As far as the Congress and the BJP go, we should not forget that they have not even apologized for the genocides in 1984 and 2002, which the Indian society as a whole holds them responsible for.

It is the RSS and the BJP that have always initiated political violence in our midst; not just in Kerala, but in the entire country.

Anti-people policies of the BJP government have made strong opposition a necessity.

If you go through the history of communal violence in our country, you will find that just before the violence there will be a phase of rumor-mongering by RSS. They will unleash a campaign of lies.

We are fighting the BJP and the Congress at both the state and national levels. People know them to be two sides of the same coin. However, our primary goal is to defeat the BJP as it is led by the RSS, and they exhibit fascist tendencies.

Keralites don't think on communal lines.