"There is only one thing people like that is good for them; a good night's sleep."

"The modest person is usually admired, if people ever hear of them."

"Many people would be more truthful were it not for their uncontrollable desire to talk."

"People are always neglecting something they can do in trying to do something they can't do."

"What people say behind your back is your standing in the community."

"The only way to amuse some people is to slip and fall on an icy pavement."

"It is deeply satisfying to win a prize in front of a lot of people."

"If I can fool a bug... I can surely fool a man. People are not as smart as bugs."

"I've been fortunate to have had the life I had prior to Hollywood. I wasn't starving, I was going to eat the next day. I came to Hollywood wanting a career that had longevity, and I wasn't afraid to take risks because I had a dollar in the bank. I wasn't driven by money as much as I was driven by making a successful transition. And I was smart enough to know that I certainly didn't have all the answers and I needed to surround myself with smart people and be willing to take risks and be willing to fail."

"People like Johnny Depp are an exception. He is the current model of what an actor should be. His body of work speaks volumes. He was so under-rated for so long, but he will have longevity - and it is such a gratifying thrill to see he is finally getting the recognition he deserves."

"I envy people who can just look at a sunset. I wonder how you can shoot it. There is nothing more grotesque to me than a vacation."

"People do not retire. They are retired by others."

"The definition of eternity is two people and a ham."

"People ought to be one of two things, young or dead."

"It is people who are important, not the masses."

"People, wherever they are, can make a community."

"I feel a lot of people listen to what I have to say."

"People might not think that, but the Republicans have all of the cards. And this is the time to get rid of Obamacare. This is the time to make the great deal."

"We will get our people off of welfare and back to work - rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor."

"Everybody has their detractors. Some people say arrogance, or whatever they may say. I only have one thing in mind, and that's doing a great job for the country."

"People are tired of seeing politicians as all talk and no action."

"The interesting thing is that everyone in golf is just nice. You learn a lot about people playing golf: their integrity, how they play under pressure."

"A lot of people feel very good about Mitt Romney and I think he's going to do a great job."

"It's a great thing when you can show that you've been successful and that you've made a lot of money and that you've employed a lot of people."