I hope the reports are not correct, because he is a leader of his people who has played an important role in Iraq, and we need input from leaders like him,

The lack of major gains here... would be a severe disappointment for poor people around the world yearning to lift themselves out of poverty.

It seems at times like a nightmare from which we are still hoping to awake, except that for millions of people in 12 affected countries, spanning two continents, and for tens of thousands of visitors from nations around the world, this nightmare is devastatingly real,

It is the plight of the Iraqi people which is now my most immediate concern.

This is where it all began, ... This is where people first came together and said, 'We have to stand up and assert our independence, our uniqueness, our freedom and our dignity.'

This moment belongs, above all , to the people of East Timor who have so richly earned their freedom.

They are concerned about the Iraqi population and civilian casualties. They are also anxious that assistance should get to the cities and to the people as soon as possible. But of course, they are worried as to how all this is going to turn out, which nobody really knows.

You've heard the phrase it's a race against time. Indeed we are. In the next few weeks the snow will come, it will get extremely cold and there are some people in the open without shelter and we really need to get assistance to them. We need the support of governments, the private citizens, private sector and anyone who can spare a euro, a pound or a dollar.

Any solution to the conflict must allow these unfortunate people to return voluntarily to their homes in full security and dignity,

Terrible inequalities continue to scar our world. Too many people continue to suffer and die from poverty, conflict and disaster - despite all the means at our disposal to create and share wealth, protect people from the violence of man or nature, and deepen respect for the dignity of every human being,

What is important is that we don't make a futile attempt to prevent people from crossing borders, ... The moving of people will continue.

To advance the peace process, it will be important to put an end to the escalating violence in the north and east and to strictly uphold the cease-fire. The people of Sri Lanka deserve a new hope that peace could be in reach.

We have a clear mandate from the Security Council to do whatever we can to work with the government and the people of Iraq to make sure Iraq takes charge of its own future and develops a stable peaceful society,

The government of Syria has informed me that the smuggling of arms and people across the Syrian-Lebanese border does indeed take place, albeit in both directions,

firmly convinced that the best interests of Ecuador and its people can only be served through the maintenance of constitutional order and the rule of law.

We need to decide our priorities. And we must adapt our United Nations so that in the future, those priorities are reflected in clear and prompt decisions leading to real change in people's lives. That my friend is what the people expect of us -- let us not disappoint them.

There are a lot of people who have come here to work here to tackle the food crisis,

We are going to work with the Congolese people and the government to make sure we make progress and consolidate peace and stability.

The people and government of Pakistan are faced with an extraordinary challenge and we need to make an extraordinary effort to support them, ... What is needed is an immediate and exceptional escalation of the global relief effort to support the work of the government of Pakistan.

thousands of villages have been burnt and more than a million people forced from their homes. In all about 1.3 million need immediate assistance.

We must resolve, even more firmly, to build nations within which people of different communities can coexist, and enjoy equal rights,

The American people who have always been the most generous in responding to disasters in other parts of the world, have now themselves suffered a grievous blow,

My people there are not complaining about the coordination.

hundreds of thousands more people are likely to become displaced as the conflict spreads and the drought worsens in the next two or three months.