Comedy Central is what these young people are viewing. The network speaks to their audience, which is saying, 'Give me fast jokes. Give me party stories and party language.'

There's no tradition today except initials, 'CSI,' 'NCIS,' all the rest. Even with reruns today, people don't know there was a 'Dick Van Dyke Show,' or 'Andy Griffith,' or 'Cheers.'

Education happens to be something that all people, all cultures, need to embrace. Math, science, the words of the world. To be able to speak and be able to have clarity and to be able to think. Those are the greatest of gifts.

What people are tired of, the people who agree with me, what they're tired of is listening to that sound, the sound of the people who've given up.

Karl Malden was a good friend of mine, and he said, 'You draw the people to you,' and I guess that's what I do.

I love Twitter, but some people use profanity so much that at some point it's like saying, 'Pass the salt.'

I am not going to give in to people who try to exploit me because of my celebrity status.

I don't care what right-wing white people are thinking.

Too many people are waiting for Jesus to come along and cut your grass. And Jesus isn't going to come along and cut your grass.

There should be more on television that uplifts people and shows them how to better prepare themselves for earning a living.

We've got to get the gun out of the hands of people who are supposed to be on neighborhood watch.

Parents are people who yell and they yell and they yell and they yell. And you already have the point... and they're still yelling.

I want all this loud profanity in the street stopped. I want people to think about choices.

There are some people who have trouble recognizing a mess.

Social networking helps reach people easier and quicker.

There should be marches in every neighborhood every day telling the people about the negativity of drugs and how the drugs help us to behave negatively.

When a person has a gun, sometimes their mind clicks that this thing will win arguments and straighten people out.

People say to me, 'Do you know who you look like?' And I say, 'I'm really tired of looking like that guy.'

I see Obama as Sisyphus in the first four years. And nobody would speak about the size of the rock, or the elevation of the hill. All you hear people talk about is what he didn't do.

There's a gap between people knowing what I do and really believing that I still do that - and wondering what it is I really do.

Sometimes you try to help people, and it backfires on you, and then they try to take advantage of you.

We are all anxious to be accepted. But if you have a strong mother and father who tell you that you don't have to dress a crazy way, or hang out with people who are looking for trouble in order to be loved and accepted, then half the battle is over.

People say children are charming because they tell the truth. That's a lie. I've got five of them. They only tell the truth if they're in pain.

Young people should be at the forefront of global change and innovation. Empowered, they can be key agents for development and peace. If, however, they are left on society's margins, all of us will be impoverished. Let us ensure that all young people have every opportunity to participate fully in the lives of their societies.