A great leader will never sacrifice the people for the numbers.

It is like when a player has a slump, we do not trade them, we coach them. It is the same with our employees. The best leaders come to the aid of their people, whose performance is down. Not come down harder on them.

If we inspire people, they will give us more than we asked for. If we manipulate them, they will give us exactly what we paid for

The worst leaders are the once that think they have to know as much or more than the people who work with them. The best leaders are the once who know that their employees know hell of a lot more than what they know and willing to admit it whilst expressing the value of their employees.

People who go to work to be a part of the cause don't go home. They are home. Now - who wants to quit?

We should always choose to work with people we love. They are the ones who will watch our back and our future.

Leaders don't convince people to follow them. Leaders walk forward alone and those who want to go down their path decide to follow.

We don’t do business with companies. We do business with people.

Rule books tell people what to do. Frameworks guide people how to act. Rule books insist on discipline. Frameworks allow for creativity.

We call them leaders because they go first, because they take the risk before anybody else does, because they will choose to sacrifice so their people will be safe and protected,

Value is a perception not a calculation. Value is something people feel, not something we tell them they get

The true value of networking doesn't come from how many people we can meet but rather how many people we can introduce to others.

The value of networking is not measured by the number of people we meet but by the number of people we introduce to others.

If our leaders are to enjoy the trappings of their position in the hierarchy, then we expect them to offer us protection. The problem is, for many of the overpaid leaders, we know that they took the money and perks and didn’t offer protection to their people. In some cases, they even sacrificed their people to protect or boost their own interests. This is what so viscerally offends us. We only accuse them of greed and excess when we feel they have violated the very definition of what it means to be a leader.

When we are in groups, when we are surrounded by people who believe what we believe, trust emerges and our very survival and progress goes up.

People don't buy what you do; they buy what you stand for.

Leadership is about making people feel safe. When someone feels heard, they feel safe.

I can't stand those people, speakers in a room, they say this all the time, "If I can just help one person in this room, I've done my job." You have an audience of 500 people and your standard of success is one person? That's terrible. If you help one person in the room, you're an abject failure. You have to change something.

It is better to disappoint people with the truth than to appease them with a lie.

I think most people are inherently interested in how their brain works, in what makes them tick.

The Democrats' response throughout the healthcare debate? Give the people more statistics.

When we can communicate from the inside out, we're talking directly to the part of the brain that controls behavior, and then we allow people to rationalize it with the tangible things we say and do. This is where gut decisions come from.

There is a difference between vulnerability and telling people everything about yourself. Vulnerability is a feeling. Telling everyone about yourself is just facts and details.

Entrepreneurs see the thing they want or need, then try to figure out a process of how to get it. People who shouldn't be entrepreneurs see the standard process they need to go through to get the thing they want or need then decide if they want to go through that process.