"I've been at the funerals of a lot of people in my neighborhood. Sometimes when I sit back and relax, I think about that and just blank out."

"People tend to grow fearful, when they taste failure, face a daunting challenge or fall ill. Yet, that is precisely the time to become even bolder. Those who are victors at heart are the greatest of all champions!!!!"

"It bothers me to hear people talk about things they know nothing about."

"People need to see the authentic people that are still out there, the genuine people that really care."

"It's too late for me to get married before I'm famous. You never know people's intentions."

"Every year it's been people saying I can't do this or I can't do that. Y'all will see something different, I can tell you that."

"As a good player in the inner city, you're always hearing people saying that you're better than you really are and that you don't have to do things like everybody else."

"People only know what they see on TV."

"I can't worry about what other people are saying about me. At the end of the day, it's just their opinions, but if I said I don't hear it, or it doesn't bother me a little bit, I'd be lying to you."

"I know I'm not a selfish player. People around me know I'm not a selfish player. I do everything I can to make people around me understand I'm not a selfish player."

"I've been at the funerals of a lot of people in my neighborhood. Sometimes when I sit back and relax, I think about that and just blank out."

"The bad news is that 50 people died in a hotel fire; the good news is that we got exclusive footage."

"Walking into a room filled with people you don't know but who know you brings out your worst vulnerabilities."

"Think people get scared that they’re not going to be able to do it perfectly - they’re going to be criticized - they’re going to be like, “Well, I’m not totally green.” Well, you know what? At this point we don’t care... Just a shade of green is enough right now. Move a little bit closer towards this. Because the more people start moving closer and closer to it, that’s something that collectively makes a difference."

"I can't wait to be that age and hanging out with a bunch of people hanging out all day playing golf and going to the beach, all my own age. We'd be laughing and having a good time and getting loopy on our prescription drugs. Driving golf carts around. I can't wait."

"My Latin roots are very strong. All my life, because I'm blonde and blue-eyed, people who aren't Hispanic can't believe I am. And people who are Hispanic always think I'm not, because I don't look like them. Being Latin is part of who I am and I bring that part to every role."

"French fries. I love them. Some people are chocolate and sweets people. I love French fries. That and caviar."

"People think I'm trying to make a fashion statement because I never wear a bra. It's really that I'm a tomboy at heart."

"People think I'm trying to make a fashion statement because I never wear a bra. It's really that I'm a tomboy at heart."

"Whatever success people have in a field, it's a result of hard work. If you ultimately succeed in one place, you must have worked hard there or somewhere else."

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."

"People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing."

"When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion."

"Many people think that if they were only in some other place, or had some other job, they would be happy. Well, that is doubtful. So get as much happiness out of what you are doing as you can and don't put off being happy until some future date."