"Really important goals are accomplished by people who will keep trying even when there seems to be no hope."

"People say I'm cocky, but am I supposed to sit here and be insecure and not know where my future's going or not realize that moviemaking is the greatest thing to happen to me?"

"I think a lot of people are married to people that they're not romantic with anymore. I just didn't ever marry anybody that I then had to get divorced from. We break up. We move on."

"Sometimes I enjoy talking, but when it's like people are trying to find something out about me, I don't."

"I do feel like there's a spirit and a tone you can set that lets people know that they're appreciated for being there. It's a sense of spirit that I think every film should have."

"I think the people who experienced the Apollo missions came away from that experience wondering to themselves, 'When can we get a chance to experience spaceflight?' I've heard that many, many times: that people got into a new career field hoping that they would be able to experience spaceflight."

"When you go to Mars, you need to have made the decision that you're there permanently. The more people we have there, the more it can become a sustaining environment. Except for very rare exceptions, the people who go to Mars shouldn't be coming back. Once you get on the surface, you're there."

"I was the first Navy, Marine or Air Force person who had been an astronaut to return back to the Air Force. I had certain expectations about what would be a reasonable and desirable position to be assigned to after my years of service."

"Instead of planning the retirement of the Space Shuttle program, America should be preparing the shuttles for their next step in space: evolving, not shutting them down and laying off thousands of people."

"Every couple of years, we could dispatch people from Earth to Mars."

"The life expectancy of people going to Mars may be decreased by the higher level of radiation that they receive."

"It's real easy to manufacture what you think the people want to hear. But that's not very honest."

"People communicate in Twittering ways. I've learned how to do that."

"People come up to me and say, 'It's too bad the space program got canceled.' This is not the case, and yet that is what most of the public thinks has happened."

"Most people never believed in the real possibility of going to the moon, and neither did I until I was in my twenties."

"There are many people talking about access to space and, 'How can we make that cheaper? How can we turn that into a Southwest Airlines versus the big airlines?'"

"I've always had the perspective that roles come into my life when I need them most and sort of teach me lessons. The same can be true of films, films are released into society to aid in a lesson, inspire people, comfort people."

"I'm drawn toward filmmakers who have a very distinctive voice. I really appreciate people who push themselves and, therefore, push the medium forward."

"In this world, only those people who have fallen to the lowest degree of humiliation, far below beggary, who are not just without any social consideration but are regarded by all as being deprived of that foremost human dignity, reason itself -- only those people, in fact, are capable of telling the truth. All the others lie."

"Whoever is in the spotlight, people are really quick to judge. I mean, there are a lot of kids coming up who've experienced that. You know, Justin Bieber, he's huge, and he experiences that. It's just the way the world works, unfortunately."

"I may not be better than other people, but at least I'm different."

"Fame is but the breath of people, and that often unwholesome."

"I need to do psychology classes. That would be so interesting to me, studying people."

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little."