Very rarely do I like to soapbox for one of my players, but if this guy is not in serious consideration, all the people involved in the process are missing the boat. This guy had his side cut open. The way he's pitched, it needs to be recognized.

When you have a reliever that's a power guy that can strike people out (80 in 67 innings pitched), he's never out of the inning. As wild as some of these innings have gotten with him, he's been able to put them away.

We probably didn't get the number of runs we should have been able to get. We left a lot of people on base.

He has that strikeout pitch. When you can strike people out you can paint yourself into a corner because you have that way to get out of it.

We need cleaner innings from the bullpen. He has had a lot of people on base when he has been out there.

Every year at this time of the season you tip your hat to them. If you ever get people saying that about your organization you are in good shape.

He has said the same thing for three outings. I'd like to see him make an adjustment. . . . We have people in Colorado who have seen it, but it's been awhile. If he knows what's wrong, God bless him. Fix it. It's been a long time since Zach Day has pitched well.

Leaving a game in the fifth inning I wouldn't think would make any pitcher happy, ... Sometimes different things will motivate people different ways.

People identify with other people for different reasons, and I personally am really comfortable around lesbians because, in some ways, we view women the same way.

There are things that certain people aren't supposed to talk about and they're supposed to keep sheltered and go to psychologists and they try to figure them out on their own. But at the end of the day, we're all human.

I truly believe heavy metal has gone south. Too many people are focusing on, will the songs be on the radio, will the shirt be in Hot Topic?

I don't meet many people who are talking about shows on Showtime.

It's important to remember all the millions of people that are starving.

I'm fascinated about how past events shape our perception of current events and how they make us the people we are.

People shouldn't have to earn kindness. They should have to earn cruelty.

names are a way to keep people in your mind

People don't change who they are. They only change what they do with it.

Reality's what other people dream for you. makes people deaf...

It could kill you," Maura said. Then there was the awkward moment that arrives when two thirds of the people in the room know that the other third is supposed to die in fewer than nine months, and the person who is meant to die is not one of the ones in the know.

Most people had an acquired kind of beauty, they became better looking the longer you knew them and the better you loved them, but Cole had unfairly skipped to the end of the game, all jaggedly handsome and Hollywood-looking. Not needing any love to get there.

This is a love story. I never knew there were so many kinds of love or that love could make people do so many different things. I never knew there were so many different ways to say goodbye.

Are you sure you want to go out with someone with that kind of history? ...He could have a psychotic break. I read that people get those when they're twenty-eight.

I felt like I was watching the transfomation of two people: Victor to wolf, and Cole to someone else. I was the only one here, staying the same.