With Rudy, we'll evaluate things at the end of the season. We'll sit down and talk things over with his family. We'll talk to the NBA people and see what they're saying about him. But to say he's leaving or staying, at this point in this season, it doesn't make sense.

We knew the schedule put before us was a little different than normal. Nevertheless, we passed every test. We'll get a much better look when we play people who are as big, strong and talented as we are.

The problem is trying to encapsulate 38 years of your life, of everything that has happened, the ups, the downs, the people involved,

People have questioned Rudy and I have said simply that Rudy is emerging every day. You are watching something wonderful before you.

He makes your offense start not at 19 feet, but at 26, where most people won?t shoot the ball. It?s difficult to make post passes from there, it?s difficult to ignite your offense from there.

People were watching to see history being made but history wasn't. Albany was magnificent for 30 minutes. But we were equally magnificent for the final 10 minutes.

People will fall in love with Jeff Adrien. All he does is come to work, put the hard hat on, just keep getting balls off the glass. Hopefully, as we move up in caliber and size, he's still able to do that.

When I walk down with Cousy I'm walking in as the face of New England as the face of so many people who weren't fortunate enough to get into what I got into.

This is the time for a tremendously talented guy to take advantage of a tremendous opportunity. I see nothing but greatness ahead for him. There's no question that Rudy will fulfill the promise that those people who draft him have in him.

He's the best natural scorer of all the big kids. He's not the biggest by any stretch, but at any time he can take up space, he can move people without pushing, just by using his body, and you can't move him. He's a very difficult kid to move, especially with his hard work and passion for the game.

People have asked me a lot about Marcus and even Rudy this season. I have said that Rudy is emerging every day and we're watching something beautiful. And with Marcus, I said recently he is the best passer I've ever coached. I think he took offense because now he's had back-to-back 20-point games.

Only two of the six kids have college degrees - my brother, who is a cardiologist, and me, ... We were a large Irish family, and in those days, the boys went to college. My sisters gave me $50 here and there and came to my games. They all gave me something. When people love you and believe in you, it instills confidence. Confidence comes from the people around you.

I like the way they attack. I like (Will Brown) saying he expects to win. If he said anything else, I'd be disappointed. Someone said, isn't that bulletin board stuff? No, it's not. It's what a man does or a woman does when they're passionate about something. They truly believe they can do it. I like people who want to win. Obviously, they're coming off a great streak. We're not coming off exactly a disaster. We're 27-3.

We'll tire ourselves out where we need more people in the game. But anytime your eight goes against our eight, we think we have a great advantage.

Marcus made a mistake, like every other student on this campus. I don't feel there's any question that Marcus has profited. Some people miss shots and continue to miss shots because they don't learn. Marcus has learned a great deal.

He's a terrific kid who made a dumb, dumb selfish mistake. He's not the first and he won't be the last, unfortunately. Hopefully, it's not going to be on my watch. I'm a great believer that people should be allowed and are allowed a second chance.

I'll be honest with you that on Sunday all I'll look at is the bracket and see if it's a good bracket. But I'd rather go West. I think New York City is not good for us. There's too much family around. I like having control and not have other people thinking about the wrong thing.

He can get people the ball from 90 feet to two feet. I've never seen anybody get to the rim, and as a big guy comes over, at the last second put the ball in the hands of a big guy and have the guy dunk. He reminds me of Jason Kidd in that he could get that double-figure rebound game, he could get steals, assists, he certainly can shoot the basketball.

Marcus is not the scorer, but he is the runner of the team. He gets the ball to the right people in the right time at the right spots.

I think a lot of credit has to go to Louisville when you have a leader out. I'm not sure how well our offense would have been if we didn't have Marcus Williams. Marcus is not the scorer, but he is the runner of the team. He gets the ball to the right people in the right time at the right spots. They didn't have that tonight. They worked like crazy.

If we're not playing defense and I call time out, I can tell you right now it's going to be X-rated. I'll go after some people or make some changes. It's not like this is the middle of the season and we can get it done next time. We're all here and it's a perilous journey. It's a wonderful journey, but the band plays on if you lose.

I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't see some different teams in the semifinals than what people are predicting. And I wouldn't be surprised to see someone play four games in four days. That's just the way this season has gone.

My understanding is the athletic director is going to now, hopefully, put it on the front burner this year. In my personal opinion, they were going to fix football before they fixed basketball. I know a couple of the people are basketball people who gave money to football and that's fine. They gave money to the university.

People had the misconception that if you have three 6-10 kids, all of a sudden you have a good basketball team. The game takes instinct.