Everyone's talking about how many we'll send, let's see if we can get out of the league first. People who are good are going to rack up a lot of losses. ... I'm afraid we will beat each other up so much that records won't be truly indicative of how good a team is.

We just have superior numbers of people. Not even superior people because Robert gets them to play as well as any guy in this league. What he's done is instill, in my opinion, a work ethic that's as good as any team in our league and almost any league in the country.

The challenge is something I like very much, ... I take a lot of pride in people saying this is a situation where you don't have a chance to succeed. I'm really challenged by that.

I am a big believer in the fact that stuff gets people out, not what looks cosmetically correct. Stuff is what gets major league hitters out.

I don't think Curt Schilling was out there to hurt people. Period. When you start hitting people in the head, you need to be very careful with that.

Challenges are something that I like very, very much, ... I like hearing people say or maybe think that this is a situation you don't have a chance to succeed in, I'm very challenged by that.

But if you start hitting people in the head, you got to be very careful.

If you have them, great. If not, there are people in every clubhouse in baseball that every player in the room identifies with. I don't think that he necessarily needs a 'C' on his shoulder or anything like that.

I'm anxious, but I'm anxious everyday. I want to see this group of people perform.

I'm certainly not the least bit shy or afraid of having young people out there competing,

I like challenges. I like it when people say, 'You don't have a chance to succeed there.'

There were periods like that a couple years ago where people might have thought the same thing, and he bounces back,

That's how people learn. That's our responsibility to make sure those things are taken care of.

No question in my mind. You are talking about people who have great baseball minds and are tireless workers.

I've always felt that honesty is the best way to go. These guys aren't kids anymore. They are men. Sometimes you tell people some things, and they don't want to hear it. We've all been in that position. Deal with it. Here's what it is.

We were talking about four different people as possibilities for one spot in the rotation. It makes that situation that much more intriguing in my opinion.

There are a lot of very special people who are still there. You build relationships with people in this game, and some you build lifelong relationships with. There are a few over there I have done that with.

This whole weekend shows how great a sports town Pittsburgh is. The people here really care about these teams.

This says so much about the City of Pittsburgh and their support of their sports teams. You have a group of people who absolutely love this team.

I was fairly impressed. We couldn't do anything, and he was still out there in the sixth inning and still getting people out.

(Playing the Dodgers) is kind of special. It was five years that I spent there. In my opinion they were five very special years. There were a lot of very special things we accomplished there. There were things that some people thought we were never going to have a chance to do, but we did.

I think the mistake people made was, many thought he was a finished product. We wanted to back off for a while. We wanted to watch. We didn't want to attack him.

I think it'll put a few more rear ends in the seats. The fact Washington is still very much in it will add to the intrigue. Obviously people go out to see him, no doubt about that.

He's a special player, a very special player. People know that in our game.