"These close games that we're losing, the teams are not beating us. We're kind of beating ourselves."

"Man, I think the sky is the limit for this team."

"I kind of knew Cleveland was going to get the No. 1 pick. I think they rigged it. No, don't quote me on that."

"I understand the NBA and the role I play on my team. I know that I have to play a leadership role and do whatever I have to do to win."

"As a kid I couldn't afford any Jordans, so I didn't get my first pair until my last year of high school. They were Air Jordan 9s."

"It will work out, somehow. That's a hell of a duo right there, Marbury, Crawford and Houston."

"I'm a Baltimore Ravens fan and I'm a Baltimore Orioles fan. I have them tattooed on me."

"I smile all the time, even when I'm in a bad mood. I always try to keep a smile on my face."

"I know I'm not a selfish player. People around me know I'm not a selfish player. I do everything I can to make people around me understand I'm not a selfish player."

"I've been at the funerals of a lot of people in my neighborhood. Sometimes when I sit back and relax, I think about that and just blank out."

"I'm me. I'm just out there being myself. I like having fun. But at the same time, I bring everybody together. So I'm really -- or I try to be -- like the glue of the team."

"I think I am a smarter player now."

"I think I'll always want to improve my defense. That's something that can always be better. Not saying it's bad now, just something you should always work on."

"I'm laid back, I take my time, get the job done. Lebron is high flying, dunking, passing the ball well. He's getting the job done, too. But we're different."

"Look, I won in high school, I won a national championship in college, I want to win one in the NBA. But winning a gold medal, I don't think anything can top that."

"It's easier for me to let the game just come to me."

"I know there's a lot of pressure, but I'm just going to go out and play my game."

"When you've never had something, you want it worse than anything."

"Get excited and enthusiastic about you own dream. This excitement is like a forest fire - you can smell it, taste it, and see it from a mile away."

"You must welcome change as the rule but not as your ruler."

"We are star stuff which has taken its destiny into its own hands."

"If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't, you most assuredly won't. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad."

"Success in life comes not from holding a good hand, but in playing a poor hand well."