"It's really about connecting to your own humanity and your own behaviors, and getting to a level of self-awareness so that you can have perspective and step outside of yourself and transform and become another person."

"I've never, ever, in my entire life, been upset at a casting choice."

"The "Village "did a lot for me, of course, because it was my first movie."

"I Shall Never Surrender."

"The older you get, the more it means."

"Talk about a dream, try to make it real."

"What I went through in 1976, it's the same today: It's about all the pressure that you feel, the anxiety, the family, and everything that surrounds the Games, and then getting there knowing this is your big chance, and you're able to come through. It's such a satisfying thing."

"I got into sports because that was a way to prove your masculinity. I was good at it."

"I have struggled with identity all my life. It's not like something that just happened last week."

"It hurts every day when you practice hard, but when this decathlon is over, I got the rest of my life to recuperate. Who cares how bad it hurts?"

"If I were to compare the Olympic decathlon to fatherhood, I would say fatherhood is a lot tougher."

"My greatest gift in life was being dyslexic. It made me special. It made me different. If I had not been dyslexic, I wouldn't have needed sports."

"I spent twelve years training for a career that was over in a week. Joe Namath spent one week training for a career that lasted twelve years."

"Waving the flag at the 1976 Olympics wasn't my idea. It was too much apple pie and ice cream. Not that I don't love my country, but I felt it was my victory up there, I put all the time into it."

"We put so much pressure on kids to excel in school at such a young age."

"I am from the Kardashian group. We can take anything."

"It's one of the hardest things in life - choosing your own name."

"I'm very laid back, easy. There's nothing better in life than seeing your kids do well."

"I have always actually been with and attracted to very strong women, and I think I've learned a lot from them."

"Speed is more important than endurance in the decathlon."

"I always felt that my greatest asset was not my physical ability, it was my mental ability."

"If you're going to dedicate every second to winning the decathlon, what are you doing wasting your time in bed?"

"First of all, I try to be a positive role model."

"I didn't only have a perceptual problem, I was also so nervous and so upset. The process just didn't work. I lost enthusiasm for school and I flunked second grade. The teachers said I was lazy."