"I'm delighted to be back in coaching. Our goal is to put Iowa wrestling back on top, and I want to do everything I can to make it happen."

"If we don't progress, we backslide into bad habits, laziness and poor attitude."

"But we've got to work. We can't just live on reputations at all - by any means."

"Greatness in the mat is achieved through training that make you push to survive."

"More endearingly than any other sport, wrestling teaches self control and pride."

"The bells are a very good investment. They never break if they are maintained. I can teach the kids the basics. They may play bells for only one year, but many of them go on to play at local churches."

"There is no mat space for malcontents or dissenters."

"You don't really measure the year until the whole year is done. I'm sure there are some concerned people, including the coaches right now."

"I vowed I wouldn't ever let anyone destroy me again. I was going to work at it every day, so hard that I would be the toughest guy in the world. By the end of practice, I wanted to be physically tired, to know that I'd been through a workout. If I wasn't tired, I must have cheated somehow, so I stayed a little longer."

"Raising your level of performance requires a proper mentality and meaning from within. This gives you the ability and drive to work on the things necessary to go to a higher level. When people ask me how to raise their level of performance, the first thing I ask is, How important is it to you?"

"Many of those who have paid the ultimate price for freedom have come through the wrestling ranks. We need to honor them and win this decision to have wrestling - the world's oldest sport - remain a part of the most prestigious athletic competition in the world, the Olympics."

"Once you've wretled everthing else in life is easy."

"My wrestling and family go together. It's always been that way, from day one with my mom and dad, my sister, my wife, four daughters, grandsons, son-in-laws."

"I never won anything by myself. I was always strong because of help that gave me extra strength to win."

"My coaches were great. My mom and dad. My dad never missed a wrestling meet."

"Once you've wrestled, everything in life is easy."

"Wrestling... what men do during boys basketball season."

"I can take anyone down at anytime; they can't take me down; no one can ride or turn me; I can control anyone."

"All I worried about was what Owings was doing to me, instead of what I was doing to him. When you start worrying about that stuff, you're going down the wrong path."

"When I'd get tired and want to stop, I'd wonder what my next opponent was doing. I'd wonder if he was still working out. I'd tried to visualize him. When I could see him working, I'd start pushing myself. When I could see him in the shower, I'd push myself harder."

"If you're going to stay in the Olympics, you've got to be entertaining and get sponsorship."

"I’m a big believer in starting with high standards and raising them. We make progress only when we push ourselves to the highest level. If we don’t progress, we backslide into bad habits, laziness and poor attitude."

"Right out of high school I never had the fear of getting beat, which is how most people lose."

"My advice to young wrestlers is that your surroundings really make a difference. You want to put yourself in good, positive surroundings."