An idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan

Hard times make you bitter or make you more compassionate.

All I do is work hard. Try and work on my bowling and keep improving every day. That's the key to success at the international level and in tournaments like the IPL.

The first run in a four-man sled was one of the most nerve-wracking I've had in my life.

You get this feeling in bobsled, like a combination of excitement, anxiety, and pure nervousness, and you get that combination only very few times.

We're a sport that was in obscurity for so long, we started to get used to that.

Being a minority athlete in this sport, it's been wrought with challenges, but I wouldn't consider myself a trail blazer.

Our sport is one of the few on the winter side that is so diverse. It shows we don't have to be limited by race or gender or whatever and how far we have come as a sport.

If I'm honest, the thing I remember the most was the team mascot, Freddie the Falcon. I really remember there was a McDonald's nearby, and I remember eating a cheeseburger in the playground when the Falcon appeared. I'm not sure my dad appreciates that being my favorite memory of him playing.

My father's NFL dreams never really felt like motivation to me, but it was something to aspire to. He was such a great athlete, the least I could do is try and use my athletic talent to represent my country in a different way. He represented as a Marine. Maybe I could do something to represent as an athlete.

It's a challenge, but every single German or Canadian I want to beat, I still have to love them. That means competing the way God wants me to compete and helping my opponents if they have a need.

The Lord calls us to love everybody.

I think the hardest thing is that all of us would love to just stick to sports - but if you want us to be role models to kids, then you need to stand for more than just sports.

The things I've had to overcome have been crazy.

I love driving the sled more than anything.

There is a stigma in our sport that men are the better drivers. People think that, because the men compete in two-man and four-man, they are more versatile and that the women aren't great drivers.

Even though concussions affect women more often than men, there's not a lot of concussion research about women specifically. You can slip and fall and hit your head and have a concussion. And unless you know what to do, and unless you're able to take the right steps, you may not be able to recover.

My father was an NFL running back, so I feel like I might be more susceptible, genetically, to CTE.

I'm a representative of something that's greater than myself. I'm not just representing myself or my country: I'm representing Christ and what He's done through me.

Biggest rival is Kaillie Humphries of Canada, and we are actually training partners. She was at my wedding, and I consider her a close friend.

I train with track athletes, which is weird for bobsledders. I love training with track athletes because they help me work on my speed, and they give me something to cheer for during the Summer Olympics.

Love can overcome everything.

Sport can transcend bias.

I feel like sport can transcend a lot of different things.