My kids are my biggest motivation.

In order to resist injuries and stay healthy, you have to be mobile and agile. You have to be able to have your body work for you.

I train hard. A lot of people that I train with, they get blown away by how hard I'm able to train.

I love what I do. I love the competition of fighting. And I love to wrestle.

When I train for fights, my kids understand, and they have my back. They are there with me.

One of the best things I've ever been told is that it's better for someone to tell you to slow down than to speed up.

A.J. Styles is great - he's a great performer - so I'm not going to take anything away from him.

Being in the wrestling business, it was a whole lot to deal with in a short amount of time. I went from amateur wrestling one minute to, the next minute, I'm traveling the world, and I'm on the road 250 days a year.

I hate to lose.

My dad demanded results. I wasn't expected just to be a student, I was supposed to get straight A's. My dad didn't want me just to play sports, he pushed me to win state championships in high school and national championships.

I was a part of the largest WrestleMania ever, so I know how to feed off the energy from the crowd in my fights.

Pro wrestling has absolutely helped my fighting.

Some guys lock up when they hear the crowd. I feel the energy and take it with me into the fight. I've been in front of huge crowds and know to use that energy.

Kenny King, his character on TV is him.

Any fighter, at the end of the day, that says it's not about the money is ridiculous. We wouldn't be training this hard, putting our bodies on the line, and torturing our bodies if there wasn't a payday at the end of the day.

I'm a baby face in real life - in person.

One thing you gotta take into consideration is that it's professional wrestling, and you know it going in. There's dangers to every profession, and our particular profession, concussions is one thing.

I can go and fight, take one punch, and have a concussion and start having issues with it, or I can wrestle my entire career and never have a concussion. It's just a hazard of the business.

I try to take care of myself as much as possible.

I've had no documented concussions.

If people will pay to see it, I'll fight anyone in any sport.

One of my first overseas trips with WWE was to France. I walked out of our hotel, and I see a little kid walking toward me with his mom. He gets a couple of steps past me and he stops in his tracks. I see his mom do a little bit of a double-take, then he runs over and just grabs on and starts hugging my leg as hard as he can, then he starts crying.

When I started, I just put my nose to the grindstone, had great trainers and opponents like Fit Finlay, Arn Anderson, Booker T, Umaga and Bob Holly, and good things started to happen.

My philosophy is, if you work as hard as you can, you give yourself as many opportunities as you can to be successful and lucky.