I want that fight with Brock Lesnar. I don't care if it's the ring, the cage, or in a street fight.

There's only so far you can push a man.

The only way to survive is to get back up.

I like to get the blood flowing and get as loose as I can possibly get. It's not very difficult to hurt yourself out there if you aren't prepared, especially in a Fatal Four Way.

I don't want to be bothered when I'm stretching. I need to focus.

I wanted to go into this fight business, and I wanted to go into it full force. So when you do something like that - enter into a new venture - it keeps you very busy.

WWE is there for the soldiers.

WWE is not just about fighting; we're about the community.

I was excited 'Maxim' wanted me to be in Expert Fitness.

I think the problem people get into is they want to go into the gym and look at other people's workouts, or they want to lift what other people are lifting. I started out really small. I actually did a lot of research, and I learned all about working out. So take gradual steps.

I'd like to someday possibly come out with a workout video or even a manual just to teach people the things I know.

Working out is simple if you know what to do.

If you want to go for the title, you go for the title, and you fight. You don't run away; you fight.

I'm a father, and that is the absolute most important thing in my life.

In wrestling, you've got to be an athlete. You can't just be a body builder; you can't just be this big strong guy who picks people up and throws them around. For longevity in the business, you got to keep your body fit and together.

I don't eat for pleasure; I eat for performance.

I am really simple with diets. I say feed your frame.

If I put wrestling boots and wrestling trunks on one last time - and I'm going to - it's going to be done by me and me only.

I always wanted to become a good role model for kids as a professional football player. Unfortunately, I didn't attain that through football, but I was smart enough to realize that professional wrestling provided another opportunity for that.

I didn't choose Goldberg because I wanted to be the flagship for the Jewish movement, not by any stretch of the imagination. I chose Goldberg because no one else can own it.

When you become a professional wrestler, your name becomes company property.

A guy like Ric Flair at 49 could go out and do his character. A guy 49 going out and doing Goldberg again - I don't know what the odds are.

At the end of the day, I'm greatly appreciative of all the fans that I was able to acquire over the years.

Let's be perfectly honest. I love Rock to death. We're all different people, but Rock's a showman.