When somebody makes a decision on what they think they need to do, I don't question it at all.

I know I can wrestle a lot longer than I can fight.

There's no secret I love professional wrestling. It's not just the money all the time, I love wrestling, and I love fighting.

Donald Trump was really cool. I think a lot of people don't understand him. He brings so much media attention to anything he does. He's a proven success. I think people should listen to what he says a little more than focusing on hair.

I'm the type of person where, at the end of the game, if there's 10 seconds left, and you need to get somebody the ball, and you're behind by one, give me the ball. Get me the ball every single time.

I don't know which one is harder - going from MMA to wrestling or from wrestling to MMA.

Whether it's MMA or wrestling, I try to find the best people and go after the best people.

I like Canada. The fans here are great. It's always good to come up here with some good energy.

We have to start encouraging people to step out of their comfort zones and start doing new things. Anything anybody does new, there are a bunch of naysayers.

I'm really considering getting into amateur wrestling and getting into more tournaments. I'm looking into going to do some Jiu-Jitsu tournaments. I'm looking into everything.

When I go to Japan, they don't care if you win or lose; they just want to see a good fight.

Everybody wants to be a critic: a critic without the actual accolades to be a critic.

If you've never stepped in a wrestling ring, and you're with me, we can still have an excellent wrestling match, because that's how good I believe I am.

When you get to a certain level in wrestling, you got to be the ring general, and I've been in wrestling for a long time. And I can be a ring general against anybody.

When you put wrestlers on TV, they're the highest professionals in the business.

We had some rough times in TNA. We had some pay issues, and this and that, they were some other issues. But at that time, we were working harder than we ever worked. Even though, you know, we were being paid late and all, we worked harder than we worked before.

I'm not the type to call people out.

Everybody gives Trump an extremely bad rap. He's a businessman, so he is not trying to rub your back and tell you everything is going to be OK. He is going to set standards and, when everything is in chaos, you need someone who is willing to do what needs to be done.

I grew up with nothing, and that was my motivation.

When people underestimate or think my success has come easily, that doesn't bother me.

My family comes from Panama, and I grew up in a single parent household with my mother, who barely spoke English. She couldn't get a good job, yet there were four of us for her to raise.

Every time I go out there, I have something to prove. Something more, something different.

Eric Young is phenomenal. Bobby Roode - every time I get in the ring with those guys, it's almost like magic.

Kurt Angle was amazing. He was the person who got me into pro wrestling. He found me when I was at the Olympic training center just wrestling, amateur wrestling.