The only way to get better is to wrestle better people and work with better guys; that's the only way to get better in our business.

Luther Reigns is a powerhouse.

I have a PS2 and Xbox and a GameCube: that way, in case anything comes out that looks cool, I have the system to play it on. I got everything, bro, I ain't no rookie.

I found a great trainer in Miami with Dodd Romero, who's worked with a lot of celebrities and athletes. We built a good program for me for training and for me to work on my nutrition and things like that.

I've had a blessed, blessed, fantastic career. I have no regrets whatsoever in my career.

I was a fan of 'The Jetsons' growing up.

It's real easy to talk about stepping in the ring, but once you do actually step in the ring, it takes a lot of courage and mental fortitude to do what we do.

Kane is one of the best big men of all-time.

I think it's a good trade to have to be versatile, to be adaptable, and be dependable, and that's one of the things that has enabled me to have the long career that I've had. It's definitely not because I'm good looking!

I think that's one of the reasons why I've been able to have a great career for 20 years - because I'm able to adapt.

Being able to give someone a hug from the heart, it's healing. It's healing for yourself and healing for others, and we need a lot of that.

I start small. I'm kind to people. I say please, I say thank you, and I always try to be encouraging and positive.

I'll be that guy who's 80 years old and still has a job. There is no 'retire' for me.

I've never been one of those guys who wants to put up titles and championships and run around and brag.

I have fun every day I go to work.

I've always prided myself on doing what really was best for business.

The only time I had an ego is I when wanted to have a reverse Undertaker record at WrestleMania, and they messed it up!

I do a lot of gaming.

Kane's gloves get pretty rank. He grabs you for a chokeslam, and you just want to faint.

Standing toe to toe with another fighter, I could probably do well, but a smart fighter is not going to stand toe to toe with me, and they're going to move to a weakness.

No man can knock me out. I've been hitting my head with steel chairs in the WWE. I've never been knocked out in my life. And nobody can knock me out.

I got to meet Hulk Hogan. He took a liking to me because of my size. He saw that I was a good athlete and could move. He told me at the time, he says, 'You got a big dollar sign in your forehead, kid,' and I said, 'Well, please show it to me, because I'm broke.'

I'm not under any pressure other than to go out and have fun.

WWE is a team. Out of the billions of people on this planet, the 75-80 men and women on the roster have the opportunity to call themselves WWE superstars. That's a very small percentage of people. They are in a position to be thankful.