You only get 15 minutes to work and show your art and everything can you do. At the end of the day, it's a fight.

You might be an elite-level athlete in the room, but if no one gets to see you display your craft it doesn't matter.

The mind has to be right and the work has to match the mind.

Just like any other job, you want a raise you've got to put in the work and you've got to show that you're deserving and what you bring to the table and all kinds of other stuff to show that you're worthy of so and so pay scale.

A lot of guys think you're almost supposed to just get stuff but you've got to put in the work, you've got to lay the foundations.

Unfortunately, we don't have the luxury of being paid like NBA, NFL and soccer and baseball athletes. They have that cushion where they can kind of hang out. Even the guys on the bench. But for us, we don't fight, we don't get paid and that's the scary reality to it all.

I hope we can figure out the reforms, educate and really retrain our police officers. Getting people to understand that just because I grew up a different way and my lifestyle's different, doesn't mean that you need to be afraid of me.

I've had negative experiences with cops. I've had positive experiences with cops.

You don't have to get into, 'I'm a leftist or a rightist, I'm Democrat or Republican.' You don't have to get into that kind of nitty gritty type of detail, but at the same time to show that you do have a stance is very, very important. To preach the good word of just being a good human being, being a humanitarian.

It's a little bit of a shame when I see some fans saying, 'Can you do me a favor and not ask questions to the fighters or the athletes about political stuff, cause we don't care about their opinions, we don't want to hear that, this is not that platform, if we wanted to hear that we would turn to CNN or FOX or ABC,' or whatever the case may be.

Jose Aldo's a legend. He accomplished many great things in his lifetime.

I never wish ill will saying 'I wish this guy won or this guy lost.' I really don't care. The best guy, let them have their night.

I'm always my hardest critic.

Ground and pound is my thing, everyone knows that.

I was never planning on just making the UFC, I was always planning to be champion.

I've been on magazines in Macedonia and all things like that.

One of my biggest fan bases is probably Macedonians, they always get behind me. They're always hitting me up on Facebook speaking Macedonian to me which I don't understand, so I get my dad to translate it for me.

My dad's Macedonian, mum Greek... so for as long as I can remember, my uncles have talked about our warrior blood.

I've never been here to simply compete.

It's definitely tough when people don't believe in you. Actually, that's wrong. It's not that they don't believe in you. They just care. A lot.

Robert Whittaker has really opened eyes, look what he's doing.

I used to wrestle when I was younger. It was soccer, wrestling, rugby league and now MMA.

I've always been a sort of goer.

I made promises to myself and my family that I'd be in the UFC before my first daughter was born, that didn't happen. I was almost at breaking point a week before I got that contract, I was going to go back to concreting - that weekend I get my major sponsor, which was huge, and I end up getting my UFC contract the weekend after that.