I don't have any idols, any heroes, nothing, no.

I learned during all my career to enjoy suffering.

You just try to play tough and focus point for point. Sounds so boring, but it's the right thing to do out there.

We'll try and be very aggressive, we'll try and speed up and change gears, and we'll see who's going to win.

The family is very important. They make me feel good always because if I won, when I started to be famous, the relationship never changed with my friends and family.

The thing, when you're down two sets to love, is to stay calm, even though it's hard, because people are freaking out, people are worried for you.

That's painful always to lose.

Last four months were great for me, was probably one of the best four months of my career, playing unbelievable in the clay court season.

I just was in the second round. That's painful, because always is tough to lose, but well, that's sport. You win, you lose.

It's more a tennis problem than a mental problem. The transition is difficult. It depends how much time you have. Playing on grass can sometimes be a bit of a lottery.

My parents' divorce made an important change in my life. It affected me.

Tennis is a hard sport. There is a lot of competition all year and you play alone.

I am a guy who likes to do what I am doing with passion, whether it's a soccer match with friends or golf.

Every year I go to Broadway to see a musical - I like the music. I saw 'Mamma Mia;' I saw 'Les Miserables;' I saw 'Phantom of the Opera' like six, seven times.

I think when you compete every week, when you play under pressure daily, you find your rituals to be 100 percent focused on what you're doing.

In tennis, because of the way it's scored, I don't think that scoring one point out of luck is ever decisive in winning. But, of course, it depends on the moment.

I am not the most courageous guy in the world outside of the court.

My serve can get better, for sure. It's not just about serving bombs, but positioning, variation in speed, in spin.

I live where I would like to live. I live in Majorca, Spain, and I am not sure there are better places.

To be a friend means that they are always there, for the good or the bad.

I'm lucky enough to do what I like for work - not everyone's that fortunate.

I am happy with being a tennis player and the choice I took when I was 12. But clearly, if I wouldn't have been a tennis player, I would have loved to be a soccer player. But again, I am happy with the choice I made.

For me, it is important to win titles and for that I need to work hard, stay healthy and be able to compete. The rest, I always say, it comes.

My goal is to improve my game, stay healthy and be competitive. If I have that, I know I can be able to win tournaments, which in the end is what it counts.