Whatever you are is all okay. I don't like you anyway.

It's amazing the difference A bit of sky can make.

Rockabye Baby, in the treetop Dont you know a treetop is no safe place to rock? And who put you up there, and your cradle too? Baby, I think someone down here has got it in for you!

I didn't do it That's a lie I didn't do it No, not I I didn't do it Hear me cry I didn't do it Hope to die I didn't do it I'm not that bad But if I did... Would you be mad?

And the boy loved the tree.......very much. And the tree was happy.

...Just 'cause somethin' ain't been done Don't mean it can't be did...

But all the magic I have known I've had to make myself.

He wasted his wishes on wishing.

Yes, I'm adopted. My folks were not blessed With me in the usual way. But they picked me, They chose me From all the rest, Which is lots more than most kids can say.

This boat that we just built is just fine - And don't try to tell us it's not The sides and the back are divine - It's the bottom I guess we forgot

Teddy said it was a hat, So I put it on. Now dad is saying, "where the heck's the toilet plunger gone?

Come, Boy, sit down. Sit down and rest." And the boy did. And the tree was happy.

ALICE She drank from a bottle called DRINK ME And she grew so tall, She ate from a plate called TASTE ME And down she shrank so small. And so she changed, while other folks Never tried nothin' at all.

We can't hold hands― Someone might see. Won't you please Hold toes with me?

Ricky was "L" but he's home with the flu, Lizzie, our "O," had some homework to do, Mitchell, "E" prob'ly got lost on the way, So I'm all of the love that could make it today.

Once i spoke the language of the flowers,Once i undrestand each word the caterpillar said,Once i smiled in secret at the gossip of the starlings,

I've found my missin' piece So grease my knees and fleece my bees I've found my missin' piece!

Although I cannot see your face As you flip these poems awhile, Somewhere from some far-off place I hear you laughing--and I smile.

My beard grows down to my toes, I never wears no clothes, I wraps my hair Around my bare, And down the road I goes.

Talked my head off Worked my tail off Cried my eyes out Walked my feet off Sang my heat out So you see, There's really not much left of me.

And he didn't really know where he was going, but he did know he was going somewhere, because you really have to go somewhere, don't you?

Would you like to hear the night i bravely fought the- no? alright

If the track is tough and the hill is rough, THINKING you can just ain't enough!

So what if nobody came? I’ll have all the ice cream and tea, And I’ll laugh with myself, And I’ll dance with myself, And I’ll sing, “Happy Birthday to me!