Today cinema can place all its talent, all its technology in the service of reanimating what it itself contributed to liquidating. It only resurrects ghosts, and it itself is lost therein.

The transition from signs that dissimulate something to signs that dissimulate that there is nothing marks a decisive turning point.

All contents of meaning are absorbed in the only dominant form of the medium. Only the medium can make an event.

Mass(age) is the message.

When you take away verisimilitude, you do not automatically find the veridical but, perhaps, the implausible.

We need a visible past, a visible continuum, a visible myth of origin to reassure us as to our ends, since ultimately we have never believed in them.

All we have left of liberty is an ad-man's illusion.

Like dreams, statistics are a form of wish-fulfillment

Television knows no night. It is perpetual day. TV embodies our fear of the dark, of night, of the other side of things.

Every woman is like a time-zone. She is a nocturnal fragment of your journey. She brings you unflaggingly closer to the next night.

Hell of simulation, which is no longer one of torture, but of subtle, maleficent, elusive twisting of meaning...

I am a terrorist and nihilist in theory as the others are with their weapons. Theoretical violence, not truth, is the only resource left us.

All of [the] activities here have a surreptitious end-of-the-world feel to them:... these joggers sleepwalking in the mist like shadow's who have escaped from Plato's cave

Nothing is wholly obvious without becoming enigmatic. Reality itself is too obvious to be true.

Power floats like money, like language, like theory.

History that repeats itself turns to farce. Farce that repeats itself turns to history.

One has never said better how much "humanism", "normality", "quality of life" were nothing but the vicissitudes of profitability.

Democracy is the menopause of Western society, the Grand Climacteric of the body social. Fascism is its middle-aged lust.

Animals have no unconscious, because they have a territory. Men have only had an unconscious since they lost a territory.

There is no aphrodisiac like innocence

This is what terrorism is occupied with as well: making real, palpable violence surface in opposition to the invisible violence of security.

The neighborhood is nothing but a protective zone- remodeling, disinfection, a snobbish and hygenic design- but above all in a figurative sense: it is a machine for making emptiness.

Philosophy leads to death, sociology leads to suicide.

All societies end up wearing masks.