"I can't do the same thing every night, the same gestures... it's like putting on dirty panties every day."

"Lust is the source of all our actions, and humanity."

"I'm not what you might call sexy, but I'm romantic. Let's put it that way."

"The conversation of kisses. Subtle, engrossing, fearless, transforming."

"Ah, lips that say one thing, while the heart thinks another,"

"Sex and sleep alone make me conscious that I am mortal."

"Your kiss is bitter with cocaine."

"Sometimes my husband will surprise me with flowers for no reason. Unexpected romantic gestures are very important and keep things exciting."

"Romantic Ireland's dead and gone, It's with O'Leary in the grave"

The emphasis in 'Notting Hill' was perhaps, I thought, slightly more on the romance than on the comedy. But I think 'Mickey Blue Eyes' is maybe slightly more on the comedy. And the tone on 'Mickey Blue Eyes,' it's a far sillier film.

I never meant to be in romantic comedies; it's just what ended up happening. But they are tricky, in a post-1960s sexual revolution way. It was easier when you couldn't have sex scenes: everything crackled very nicely. They're not easy.

The reason I turn down 99% of a hundred, I mean a thousand, scripts is because romantic comedies are often very romantic but seldom very funny.

Maybe our generation is more about sex, but it feels like romance is dying out.

I did send a girl a plane ticket asking her for a visit, I guess that's quite romantic.

It's just that romance, with its dips and turns and glooms and highs, its swoops and swoons and blues, is a natural metaphor for music itself

More than kisses, letters mingle souls.

Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls; For, thus friends absent speak.

"I don't do anything with my life except romanticize and decay with indecision."

Hug me till you drug me, honey; Kiss me till I'm in a coma.

All romances end at marriage.

Now a soft kiss - Aye, by that kiss, I vow an endless bliss.

“But I was a pure romantic, and only operating with half my burners turned on.”

“Sex is part of nature. I go along with nature.”

In terms of the romantic kind of lead, I just never enjoy those movies very much. Maybe they'll come to interest me more as I get older. I doubt it, but maybe. Romantic comedies tend to be, for me, an oxymoron.