“I feel like cotton candy: sugar and air. Squeeze me and I’d turn into a small sickly damp wad of weeping pinky-red.”

“Romance takes place in the middle distance. Romance is looking in at yourself through a window clouded with dew. Romance means leaving things out: where life grunts and shuffles, romance only sighs.”

"I love to have my hair down; I love to have my hair full... there's something romantic about it."

“Romance has been elegantly defined as the offspring of fiction and love.”

“I was a romantic and sentimental creature, with a tendency towards solitude.” 

“Love is not a habit, a commitment, or a debt. It isn’t what romantic songs tell us it is – love simply is.”

“The nineteenth century dislike of realism is the rage of Caliban seeing his own face in a glass. The nineteenth century dislike of romanticism is the rage of Caliban not seeing his own face in a glass.” 

“The things one feels absolutely certain about are never true. That is the fatality of faith, and the lesson of romance.” 

“What you have told me is quite a romance, a romance of art one might call it, and the worst of having a romance of any kind is that it leaves one so unromantic.” 

“There seemed to be something tragic in a friendship so coloured by romance.” 

“Romance lives by repetition, and repetition converts an appetite into an art. Besides, each time that one loves is the only time one has ever loved. Difference of object does not alter singleness of passion. It merely intensifies it. We can have in life but one great experience at best, and the secret of life is to reproduce that experience as often as possible” 

“I am not laughing, Dorian; at least I am not laughing at you. But you should not say the greatest romance of your life. You should say the first romance of your life. You will always be loved, and you will always be in love with love. A grande passion is the privilege of people who have nothing to do. That is the one use of the idle classes of a country. Don't be afraid. There are exquisite things in store for you. This is merely the beginning. ” 

“When one is in love, one always begins by deceiving one's self, and one always ends by deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance.” 

“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” 

“The very essence of romance is uncertainty.” 

A tramp, a gentleman, a poet, a dreamer, a lonely fellow, always hopeful of romance and adventure.

Sex alleviates tension. Love causes it.

Where should one use perfume? A young woman asked. Wherever one wants to be kissed.

“I still hold. . .that the suburbs ought to be either glorified by romance and religion or else destroyed by fire from heaven, or even by firebrands from the earth.” 

I am a romantic, but I do put up a barrier around myself, so it is hard for people to get in and to know the real me

I guess I've always lived the glamorous life of a star. It 's nothing new - I used to spend down to the last dime.

Love sometimes wants to do us a great favor: hold us upside down and shake all the nonsense out.

Close your eyes, fall in love, stay there.

French is the language that turns dirt into romance.