Anti-Semitism is the hatred that never dies. Violence that begins with the Jews never ends with them. All of this is true. What's also true is that anti-Semitism is the oldest hatred in the world because individual people have sustained it in every generation. It cannot be defeated until we look these people and their ideologies in the face.

It's no rare thing for the Israeli prime minister to enrage the Jews of the diaspora.

Organized religion may be anathema on the political Left, but the need for the things religion provides - moral fervor, meaning, a sense of community - are not.

We live in a world in which politically fascistic behavior, if not the actual philosophy, is unquestionably on the rise.

Christina Hoff Sommers is a self-identified feminist and registered Democrat with a Ph.D. in philosophy and a wicked sense of humor.

In the Trump era, the Left has smartly and justifiably seized a moral high ground that the Right has abandoned by its embrace of the president.

The best movie theater in the world is in a dingy basement on Manhattan's Upper West Side. The worn seats are painful. There are probably bigger screens in half the apartments in the complex above the theater. And forget Fandango; the theater barely has a website. You want to buy a ticket? Get in line.

I believe that it's condescending to think that women and their claims can't stand up to interrogation and can't handle skepticism.

I believe that facts serve feminists far better than faith. That due process is better than mob rule.

I believe that the 'believe all women' vision of feminism unintentionally fetishizes women. Women are no longer human and flawed. They are Truth personified. They are above reproach.

Ever since Eve gave Adam that forbidden fruit, demonizing and disbelieving women has been the planet-wide policy. You don't need to reach back to the Pleistocene to see the truth of that.

If the standard for art is the decency of its creators, we're going to have a lot of empty museums.

I think 'Les Demoiselles D'Avignon' is one of the most transfixing paintings of all time. And it was made by a monster of a man.

'Annie Hall' and 'The Graduate' are incredible films. Why should we be deprived of watching them because some of the men that made them are bad?

I'd venture a bet that no American hates 'Prairie Home Companion' more than I do.

Israel's highest aspiration may be to be a light among the nations, but it is also a normal nation, where regular people want to go about their business without a religious authority having a say.

The Jewish state has so much to teach diaspora Jews about resilience, innovation, energy, and optimism.

One area where American Jews have something to teach Israel is religious pluralism, something that living in a democracy with a separation between church and state has helped us fine-tune.

In Israel, there is no civil marriage. All elements of religious life - from the kosher certification of food to conversion to marriages and burials - are controlled by the rabbinate. In Israel, then, the official religion is not just Judaism. It's Orthodoxy.

The Heritage Foundation, by far the most influential think tank of the Trump era, is widely seen as a redoubt of Trumpism in large part because of the tremendous influence of the Mercers, who are major donors.

At the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a hawkish, nonpartisan research group, at least two people left over the way the think tank responded to Mr. Trump's election.

Think tanks are chiefly supposed to provide independent expertise to policymakers. But they also seek to be politically relevant.

Eminem isn't the first entertainer to part ways with his conservative fans.

Eminem knows that Republicans buy songs - his songs - too. His message to them is to stop buying.